Episode 9: Supplements & Why I Love Them For You



Episode 9 Season 3

[00:00:00] The Authentic Calm Podcast, your space to understand your natural sensitivity, why you have it, what to do with it, and how to move through life differently to honor it. Together, we will look at holistic and natural supports. Dive deep into our subconscious, our conditioning, our programming, and learn how to release it, how to step into a new perspective and reframe our life to match who we actually are. Let's dive in.

Jessi: [00:00:00] Hello, Hello. My natural sensitives. Welcome back. It's so good to have you. Oh, season's been fun so far. I have loved it. I hope you have two. We've had some incredible guests on thus far and brought on, uh, some favorites as well, some oldies, but goodies, and we've [00:01:00]really been discussing a lot.

Of emotion, specifically that root emotion of fear. So if you haven't heard any of those episodes, I encourage you to, uh, check those out after this one. But after all this wonderful conversation, I was just feeling like, hmm, we need to get back to the core, get back to what it is that I do, what I, what it is that I love, what it is that we're really about here.

And that is, uh, bringing health and healing to your physical body as a natural sensitive. So restoring you at that functional level, at that cellular level. So today I wanna bring in hopefully a very helpful topic for you, and that is supplements, da da da da . You've read the title, you already know what it's gonna be about, but.

I'm obsessed with them, and, uh, I don't say that lightly. I've come to this, this place, uh, from a long journey around supplements. [00:02:00] So I, I wanna dive into a couple different pieces, um, of this topic today. And the first one I wanna start out with is what is a supplement? So you guys, we can be on the same page here, right?

I'm using supplementation as a pretty broad term for basically any sort of extraction of a nutrient. So this can be, uh, you know, a specific mineral or vitamin that has been isolated and it can be either sourced from food or it can be sourced from a lab, right? Where they made it synthetically. Uh, it can look like a whole more of a whole food extraction where it's like, um, a beet powder where we took the whole beet itself and, you know, Fermented it perhaps and dried it out and then made it into a really fine powder.

I would consider that a supplementation or a supplement, um, tinctures, you know, herbs that have been, uh, placed in [00:03:00] alcohol for preservation. These different, these are many different forms. So basically anything that is consumed, um, for the benefit of health outside of like a normal meal. Right? So, um, a great example, another great example is apple cider vinegar.

You know, if I'm gonna take that in a spoonful, um, for the benefit of my health, I wouldn't consider that. I would consider that supplementation, even though I can cook with apple cider vinegar as well. Okay? So that's kind of my broad spectrum. Um, there's many different forms of the way that we can pull from plants, animals, you name it, whatever can be food can also become a supplement.

So, That being said, why do I love supplements, ? Oh, I'm gonna give you three reasons and then I'm gonna talk about kind of some caveats that need to go with it per usual. So, number one, the reason that I'm [00:04:00] a big fan of supplements is because I personally believe and have experience, and have observed and have studied the fact that our food is no longer at the quality or at the level of, yeah, level of quality that we need it to be in order to receive all the nutrients required for our body to function.

Healthfully. Bottom line, our soil is, Absolutely depleted, absolutely depleted. And we are constantly, um, thinking that we are smarter than nature and messing with our, our universe and upsetting the healthy microbiome, the healthy balance of our ecosystem, and it's showing up as major deficiencies in our food.

Now, I could talk for hours and hours about this. Um, if this is new to you, I highly recommend, [00:05:00] um, doing some research around this. I love Dr. Zach Bush for this topic, and I highly recommend you check him out. Um, he also speaks a lot about toxins that are in our food supply and um, I just would recommend that you do it slowly and gently.

Otherwise you can get a little concerned about, about your wellbeing. Uh, but just know that there is hope and there is a lot of good options. So, . That being said, our food is not enough. Our food is not able to meet our primal, normal, uh, bottom basic foundational level of nutrient needs. So you would have to be eating so much food a day to be able to meet your true levels of need.

And I know the government has decided, um, you know, for years now what they think the amount of nutrients our bodies need. But again, I could talk about that for hours and hours, but I'm just not gonna waste your time because, [00:06:00] um, it's inaccurate bottom line. So again, if, if that's new to you, um, there's a lot of resources around that and.

Use Google , like it won't take long, uh, but the government is, is not, um, not up to speed. They're very archaic. There are levels of, of recommended nutrients. And, uh, which is why I decided not to become a registered dietician because I was not willing to align with those incorrect philosophies and measurements.

Um, one of the many reasons I was not willing to do that. Uh, okay, so food supply is not enough to meet our, our natural bodies' needs. And then on top of that, the number two reason is that our current modern world is taking a massive toll on our bodies. Our bodies were not necessarily originally created for the amount of stress, um, and toxicity that we're now [00:07:00] experiencing.

I will say this, I'm not a. The world is dying. We're all dying. Um, we're going extinct in 40 years kind of person. I'm just gonna say that right up front. And some of the people that I respect highly. Speak in that manner. And I think it's, I think it's a little dramatic. Personally, what I do believe is that yes, there is a huge burden on our bodies that this body is, has yet to catch up to, if that makes sense.

I believe that our bodies do evolve and do strengthen and learn. I, I think God made our bodies magnificently brilliant and they can't adapt. Um, but the speed at which we have transformed our world and the speed at which our body adapts is not quite at the same level. And so our body is trying to catch up.

And I think in maybe, I don't know, I don't have a theory. I just in general, I think we will [00:08:00]potentially, eventually catch up if we slow down on the world side as far as like technological advances, quote unquote, um, uh, just modernization in general. We kind. Put a little pause on that. We might be able to catch up and, and not see as much, uh, distraught within the body.

Uh, but as a result, uh, when the body is in a state of stress, I call it your alarm mode, you utilize way more nutrients. Perfect example that I always love to use is magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that is used within the body in numerous, for numerous reasons. Um, it energizes the cell. It in general helps you manage stress.

And so when you are on a daily basis having to navigate experiences or, um, toxins or people or past traumas or all sorts of [00:09:00] things, bugs, pathogens, um, radiation, This mineral is burned through, it's called the magnesium burn rate. It's burned through, it's literally used up, and then you're in a state of deficiency if you're not constantly refilling that source.

And there is not enough magnesium in our food, in our soil, in our world, um, to be able to match that. You couldn't eat enough food in a day to meet, uh, the amount of magnesium that you need in order to live healthfully in order to feel optimal and ideal. So of course, you know, we ask the questions of like, well, people aren't necessarily like dying around us.

Hmm, no. But I bet if you ask everyone around you do you feel amazing, and they really thought about it, they would say no. And I guarantee you, if I drew blood work up on all of the people around you, it would not look pretty. But most people just have no idea. And they're just sur surviv, Everyone's just [00:10:00] surviving right.

Now let's take that into sensitivity, right? Cuz what I just spoke about is general, it applies to everyone. But as natural sensitives, we naturally need more nutrients because we naturally are, I don't wanna say we're in a higher state of stress, but we can be, and we often are. Uh, but the way that our brain works is it's at much higher speed.

And when the brain is going, it actually uses up more nutrients than, say, like running a marathon. So our culture has this misconception that physical activity burns more nutrients. Um, b burns the most nutrients or burns the most calories is the word everyone uses, right? Which is just, ugh, an unhelpful use of measurement, uh, for the reality of the body.

But when it comes to true nutrient utilization, actually stress and brain function are, I would say the top [00:11:00] two. In my, in my personal opinion. And so as sensitives, those are our top two functions, like almost naturally, right? Definitely. The brain is natural, that's innate. Um, to have a higher processing brain, it's just moving a lot quicker.

It's taking in a lot more information. And we need a ton of nutrients to, to power that machine of our brain. And on top of that, because of the society we're in and being a bit of a minority, um, we tend to find ourselves continually in environments that activate our alarm mode or keep us continually in our alarm mode, which is the worst because then we're constantly burning through.

So as natural sensitives, I can guarantee. I can guarantee you that unless you are massively supplementing and you are trained in all of this and you are digging into it constantly and testing yourself and measuring and working with someone, you're absolutely deficient. Like there's not even a question.

You just are. And so, like for [00:12:00] example, when I have clients come in and see me, the first thing I do is put them on magnesium. Like I don't, I don't, technically, I don't even measure magnesium anymore because I don't need to. And that's not true. I do measure it sometimes, um, cuz I do have a few clients that are, have rare situations.

But, uh, on the whole. Typically, most of us need magnesium, so I'll talk about that in the end. I'm gonna give recommendations for some basic supplements that I think every natural sensitive should be on. Um, but okay, so we've got the food supply issue, the soil deficiency. We've got higher stress, and, and within that higher stress, I would add on toxins, right?

Anything that can create stress, emo trauma, emotions, um, you know, environment for us, sensitives are so much the noise of the world around us in general, right? Taking in all this information, um, we're, we're, I personally think we're much more impacted by things like radiation, um, and glyphosate and, [00:13:00] um, lead and gosh, all the chemicals in our water, the chlorinated water, all the medicine , all the drugs that are in our water that are not filtered out.

There's just so much, all the stuff in the air. Like we, we have to move through all of that. Um, In order to not have it affect us. And if our body is in a deficient state of nutrients, that means that it can't function. Right? It's like fuel for a car. It's like trying to run your car on something that it doesn't, you know, doesn't work.

Like I talk about that, like trying to run your car in olive oil. As much as I would love that idea, and maybe there are, I think there's some be cars you can do that with, but that's not the point. The point is you're driving, you're trying to drive your car with something that doesn't work. Right. I'll use another illustration.

I have kombucha in front of me. It's trying to drive your car with kombucha. Like, Oh, I'll just pour this in there. I'll be fine. Um, Like your body can't do it, and at some point it's gonna hit a block. Um, your body is brilliant and it will do its best to survive. But what that means is it'll start shutting down what it [00:14:00] considers non-essentials.

Um, your body focuses on the heart keeping your heart beating, um, focuses on breathing and focuses on brain function. Anything other than that starts to go by the wayside. And usually the first sign of that is reproductive health. Um, so for women, especially my natural sensitive women, it's when you start to see your hormones go, when you start to see issues with your cycle, um, infertility, those are big, big signs.

Um, and there's a lot more underneath that, so little heads up there. Okay. The third reason that I recommend supplements is because, ugh, they're amazing. They. And again, I have a lot of caveats around this, but if you use the correct supplements, they can change your life. And depending on what it's for and which ones they are, it can be within minutes, Guys, like minutes.

Oh my gosh. I, I see this every single day. I've experienced it personally. And then this is what I get to witness [00:15:00] and observe and, and, uh, you know, it's my art. supplements are, I feel like, it's like my art is like weaving and navigating and learning and utilizing and playing with supplements. Um, and I have so many clients that I get to have the opportunity to work with and, you know, and, and see this in, in live time, in real time.

So, This is coming from a place of, of experience. And of course there's so many people that have more experience than me, but I feel like I have a pretty solid enough experience to speak to this, uh, that supplements can absolutely change your life. I can say that confidently now. Oh, and, and the, and the other thing I said was just they can change your life fast, like a lot quicker.

So, Okay. I'm gonna step back now and kind of discuss, um, this is a little bit nerdy, but the different camps around supplements, uh, you know, there's those that are very not into supplements. Um, typically they're in the, you know, western medicine. I only [00:16:00] take what my doctor prescribes and sometimes doctors will prescribe supplements depending on again, what kind of doctor you're seeing.

Um, there's those that just think it's all like, Baloney. Like just horses, shit. Like, uh, what's the term? Snake oil. That's what everyone, you know, old school like, oh, it's all snake oil. They're just trying to like, get you to buy their stuff. And then there's, on the other side of the fence, there's the alternative, um, functional medicine style approach, nutritional therapy, all of that, which is kind of the world I'm in personally.

And within that, there's two camps. There's the camp of, oh, I just use whole real food. I don't believe in extracting or separating different nutrients cuz that's not how God made things. And so, you know, very much just like, I just get it from food. Fantastic. That's the camp I used to be in. And then there's the camp of, um, incredible supplementation use, understanding [00:17:00] the power of it, knowing how to use it and when to use it and what kind to use.

Um, and just being obsessed with it. uh, so. , I'm obviously in that camp and I used to be in the camp of Whole Food. I actually went all over the place. I'll give you my story very, very quickly just in case you're interested. Um, if not, you can fast forward through this part. So I grew up in Southern California, um, in a family that I would consider very healthy, like in comparison to the rest of America, we would've been considered very healthy.

Um, My mom was one of the first, as if you've ever heard of the exercise, uh, called jazzer Size. It's a style of workout and it's super cute. You should Google it. It's pretty hilarious. Um, she was a part of that first group in the eighties, and so that, and she was a PE teacher and both my parents were camp counselors and just very active and healthy [00:18:00] people, and they really valued like eating well and things like that, um, you know, to the best of their ability.

And my mom specifically grew up in Southern California, kind of in, in Orange County, uh, just very like health was, was a big deal, or at least looks were a big deal and health was tied to that. So, um, I grew up taking supplements like from a young age and we, you know, again, from that perspective ate healthfully.

I, I always joke, it's like, if you've ever heard of , the health magazine called Prevention, The Prevention Magazine, I'm probably gonna age myself with this, but, um, they're like these little mini magazines that would come in the mail and they would basically tell you like what was healthy or what wasn't, and they'd be like, Oh, try this new, you know, supplement or this new diet or whatever.

So, um, we, we tried every diet under the sun that was like super trendy and like celebrity approved, you know, uh, all those like cool celebrity trainers that are like, Do this. Yeah. We were so into that. Now [00:19:00] it's like, you know, Instagram , the Instagram influencers or the beautiful, you know, trainers or whatever on Instagram.

That's like the new prevention magazine. Uh, but long story short, I, I called this like trendy healthy. Like we would go to Costco and we would get all our Mediterranean diet food or we would do that Akins diet or all these different things. Um, but you know, now what I know, it's like, oh gosh, no, it was actually, it's like almost worse than oh, like what our grandparents ate.

Um, but we thought we were so cool. We thought we were so healthy. And my parents, you know, were doing the best of their ability. And, um, I, like I said, I took a lot of supplements. So I came from the world of kind of low quality. Uh, well we thought, we thought they were high quality, but they were really like synthetic, low quality supplementation.

And then I went to school and learned about nutritional therapy. All of this. And, and just even through my whole healing journey before that, like really got into whole food and just the power of [00:20:00]that and just was really very passionate and opinionated about that. And then in my practice, I pretty quickly, I had a mentor too that knew how to you supplements well, um, they're still big food, whole food fans, but they would, they would use supplements.

And so it kind of got me intrigued and then I started getting super interested. And over the last four or five years, I've just become a little, a bit of a conse with supplements. Like I just, oh my gosh, I love them. They've been a huge, a huge part of my healing journey. Um, I used to feel so sick all the time after eating.

And I, I've just, my whole life has been, um, really uncomfortable to put it lightly, uh, when it comes to my body and my experience and my body. Um, And supplements have been a huge part of healing that, um, I thought I would be able to do it with food shifts. And I, [00:21:00] I did make some big changes by changing my food, specifically the quality of my food, um, more so than by a specific diet.

But it didn't, it didn't solve everything. Whereas when I started testing, um, and, and using supplements and targeting them correctly. Wow. Like, wow, Wow, wow, wow. And. I'm gonna talk about this next. Um, the style and the type and the quality of the supplements that I started using was what really changed my opinion.

So, um, now I am solidly in the camp of supplementation and I use it regularly. And I, most of my clients have massive supplement protocols, like 15 to 20 supplements at a time. And granted, that includes a lot of different things that, like I said, supplement is a broad word. Um, but I personally am usually taking mm, probably at minimum 20 supplement style things a day, if [00:22:00] not more.

I'm probably taking a lot more right now, I'm doing a little bit of a, a reset myself at the moment, but I just, I love it and it doesn't take away from my approach of whole food. I'm. At the same time, a huge fan of Whole Foods. So please don't take my discussion around supplementation, my obsession with it as an excuse to not eat well.

And I need to do a podcast on that, on, on what that means to me and what I really think, uh, sensitives need to be eating or not eating. And it is quite diverse, by the way. Um, so it's, it's teaching you a loose structure. And actually, if you wanna learn now, um, I teach you how to do that in the authentic com method over@mayorfloorwellness.com.

So that is my kind of, uh, gift to you guys is. For those of you that are not in a place where you're ready to dive into the intensity of my one-on-ones, um, and don't really wanna be in a group setting, the authentic com method level one of, um, of my work of the mayor Flow wellness [00:23:00]membership is a beautiful place to start.

And you can learn so much of this and I'm gonna be adding to it more and more. It's so fun. It's like a living, it's a living space. That's why it's a membership, cuz it just keeps growing. Okay, so back to my focus caveats around supplementation. When I say that I'm obsessed with supplements, I am definitely not obsessed with all supplements.

So I wanna clarify that. I'm just gonna call out a company right now. If you're buying your supplements from Costco, you're wasting your time and in fact, you may be causing more problems with your body. So the quality of supplementation is 100% important. Um, One vitamin C can be very different from another vitamin C uh, vitamin.

Just cause it says vitamin C on the label doesn't mean it's actually vitamin C. It might just be purely ascorbic acid, which is simply an extraction and actually can be very damaging to the body of taking too long and in high quantities. Perfect example of what I did as a child , [00:24:00] I made myself incredibly cooper deficient by doing that.

Uh, excuse me, I have hiccups a little bit. Oh, this could be fun. Okay, . I think they're gone. Uh, okay. So whew. hiccups during a podcast? No. Uh, okay. So. quality is so important. And when we think about quality, this is tough. Cause I have a lot of people like, well Jess, how do I know if something's quality? It's tough cuz I have the training now.

So I just know right away I'm like, Oh, that's crap. Don't do that . Um, but the, I'm gonna walk through a couple different things to consider when you're looking at a supplement you wanna consider, um, digestibility. So this is really hard if you're not trained in it, I'll be honest. Um, and this is where having, you know, a guide in some way, like me or someone else's trained like me to be support is, is really helpful.

Uh, but digestibility, uh, has to do with your physical [00:25:00] ability to break it down. And so, um, this is where I do think it's important to do research around the supplements you take and to not just go into like a generic vitamin store and just grab stuff off the shelf. Um, but your ability to actually break down the supplement and.

For your body to like absorb the nutrients is really important. So digestibility, absorbability. And then also, and this is kind of what drives the whole food camp, and I'm still a fan of that, but you can do that with supplementation is a lot of nutrients, a lot of vitamins and minerals for example, require their teammates, their partners in that they can't readily be absorbed without other nutrients alongside them.

Or, your body needs to have a steady, uh, reserve of that matching partner nutrient, you know, a co-factor. So that is [00:26:00] something that can be tricky if, if, again, if you're not educating yourself and you're not taking the time to learn, it is helpful to have someone to guide you on that. Um, but. Again, this is something you can learn yourself if you're intrigued by it.

A good example, um, would be like fat soluble vitamins. Um, fat soluble vitamins include vitamin A, D, E, and K. And there's, you know, K one, K two, um, there's D two, D one, D two, D three. Um, there's, you know, there's many different forms of these vitamins. There's true vitamin A versus better Carine. So there's a lot of different expressions and extractions and um, if you're uninformed, it can be confusing cuz you're like, Oh, I'm taking my vi it's said vitamin A on it, you know, but it's, no, it's better Carin.

So you actually have to have different new nutrients to be able to actually like, utilize that and your liver has to be healthy and all these different things. So, um, selecting supplements, unless you're trained in it, can be really [00:27:00] challenging. And so I usually am very empowering in this in things that I say.

Um, , but I highly recommend bringing someone in, and it doesn't have to be me. I'm not trying to tell you to work with me, um, work with someone. And, um, my, my goal is to have that available in the method actually, is to start giving you guys, Hey, this is like what I recommend for this, this, and this. So you don't have to necessarily see me to know what I would recommend.

Um, but, uh, you can also get access to actually to my dispensary. Um, and my Instagram. Right now, my Instagram biolink has, I, I put my dispensary on there for you guys, so you're welcome to check that out too, uh, and see some of my recommendations. But all that to say quality makes a big difference because if you can't break it down, if you can't utilize it in any way, then of course you're just washing your money down the toilet, right?

Cause it's just either, it's gonna just move through you without being. Or even worse, [00:28:00] it's gonna get stuck in your body. And cause um, not a diff, there's not a deficiency, but you know, like a state of, um, excess and that can cause all sorts of havoc in the body. Uh, so it's, it is important to know how you're using, specifically if it's like isolated nutrients.

And this is something I've take a beat to talk about this. This is something that's become really popular is just saying like, Oh, just like you're sick, take some zinc. Okay, Well, , there's many different forms of zinc that, you know, when you talk about supplement extraction and also what do your other minerals look like if you just, and, and how much zinc should you take?

So if you're not aware of your levels, which I'm a huge fan of, at least annual ta testing of nutrients, um, if not biannual testing. Um, but if you're not aware of your level of minerals [00:29:00] by taking a lot of zinc, you could actually suppress, um, or cause the body to become deficient in another mineral. Okay?

Like iron or copper. Uh, these all work in tandem and so it is really important to be conscientious of your current state before you add in a supplement. Now, I talked about magnesium being something that everyone needs. That's when I feel very confident in. Take magnesium . It's, it's, it's very rare to not need it.

Um, so, but again, it can be very helpful to test if you're unsure. I love, love, love, love, love testing the body test, not guess. Um, test, don't guess, . And so the second thing that I wanted to say other than quality, um, is not actually about the supplement, but about your body, which is kind of what I've been leading into, which is the state of your body really determines [00:30:00] the type of supplement that you use.

So a perfect example, I'll use myself. Um, I have had years and years, years of liver and gallbladder dysfunction, which if that sounds crazy to you, it's, it's the liver and your gallbladder are tightly connected. They're team, they're part of a huge part of your detox. Um, they're two detox organs and. If my gallbladder, which is kind of the exit door of the liver, is backed up, um, cuz normally the liver dumps toxins through the gallbladder into the small intestine which travels to the large intestine and goes out right with your stool, um, when the gallbladder is backed up cuz the liver is backed up from toxins or all sorts of other things.

Um, which is my story. I was not able to absorb fat soluble vitamins. So say I was taking, you know, a vitamin A or a vitamin D or vitamin K or vitamin E, I [00:31:00] wasn't able to actually absorb those. They just like went right through my body because I wasn't able to absorb anything fat related. And so what I needed to do was actually improve my gallbladder or my liver.

And my ability to improve that through supplementation, different kinds of supplementation. Um, I was actually finally able to absorb now another route, and it kind of depends on where you're at. Um, or if you need to do both at the same time. I love doing that. I love working on the, the function like.

Resolving the, the organ system and increasing your levels at the same time. The way that I would do that is I would bring in what's known as an emulsified vitamin D, right? I'm just talking vitamin D right now. But I could do A, D, E, and K as well. That way we are bringing in what's known as, I guess I said it already, emulsified, um, somos another form, but it basically bypasses, um, that natural function and [00:32:00] allows you to absorb it without needing to, uh, unnecessarily break it down.

So it's a beautiful way to be able to increase vitamin D levels, for example, um, while still working on the core issue of the gallbladder being backed up. And that's a pretty, pretty big. . Um, you can also cause a lot of issues by, for example, what I just said, uh, you know, taking a vitamin D and oh, if you have issues, um, with vitamin K levels or calcium or different things, it can cause a lot of problems in other areas.

So it is important to understand the state of your body and to poll measurements, um, before you start targeting with supplementation. It's, it's really, really beneficial. Like I said, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of testing at least once a year. And when I say testing, I don't mean going to your regular insurance [00:33:00] provided, doctor, because I can guarantee you that 99% of them are not going to test what you actually need.

They're gonna test what insurance covers, which is like a CBC and a cmp, and they're just gonna look at it. And unless you have something devastating like cancer, they're gonna say, You're fine. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about going to a functional practitioner that is trained in looking at the body and seeing what is out of what is starting to come out of balance, what isn't at a state of massive disease but is instead moving towards disease or is perhaps in a state of de disease but is not extreme enough for, you know, traditional western medicine practitioner to identify and also measuring things like nutrients.

Um, most doctors don't measure that. Most doctors now measure vitamin D, um, but they won't measure anything else, . So there's so much more to be measured and it's so worth your time and your investment. That is something I'm gonna work on as well within the method. So TBD on that. Um, but I really think it's [00:34:00] important for you to measure your body and your levels before you start supplementing.

And if you're working with a practitioner, they should naturally do that. So again, the state of your body really dictates what you use. if you're having trouble digesting, if you, if you can't break food down, if your stomach acid is, is too alkaline, you're not acidic enough to actually break the nutrients down and utilize them, then using things like tinctures or like I said, emulsified, liposomal or even water based, allows it to go straight into the bloodstream.

If you take it sublingually, so like under the tongue, for example, and you can actually do, supplements that just kind of melt or you chew and kind of allow it to, uh, get absorbed under the tongue, that can be helpful too. So these are things that need to be consider. Um, and that's why, again, just walking into Costco and getting their multivitamin, it's like, honestly, I would rather you not take any supplements than do that.

Like, please don't do that. Um, okay, so the next thing I wanna talk about is [00:35:00] use. So when you actually take supplements, it is important to understand the timing of how you take supplements, uh, the dosing. So how much of it you take, and then the combining. So, again, I'm actually not a big fan of multivitamins.

Like I, I would, like I said, I would rather you not take supplements than take a crappy multivitamin. And honestly, even from good quality companies, it's tough to find a multivitamin that will work well specifically for supplement or for sensitives. Um, but even for the general, the general person, it can be really challenging to find one that does everything that you need because a, a multi.

is just generic levels based, again, off what the government says you need, which is baloney. So if you, for example, if we pull, let's say we just pull a simple blood chemistry panel. And I see, okay, uh, you have, you know, low vitamin D, but you have excess sync and you [00:36:00] have, um, okay, so there's some oxidative stress patterns we're seeing here.

So we do wanna bring in some vitamin C. Um, but your copper's depleted. So if we bring in a multivitamin, we're gonna cause absolute havoc in your body, because , well, maybe we'll be improving the vitamin D a little bit again, assuming you can digest this multivitamin, which usually you cannot, and . Um, but you know, these other levels are gonna be thrown off that, that, uh, ascorbic acid, most likely that will be in the multivitamin, is gonna depress the copper even more.

Um, your zinc levels are going to be struggling if there's zinc in the multivitamin, it's just gonna be pushing that higher, what should be pushing iron or other nutrients down. And so, It's just, honestly, it's rarely a good idea to do a multi, and I think one of the most, um, tricky places around this is, is the prenatal

And I have, I, I used to work with, um, I used to work with a lot of women on fertility and [00:37:00]prenatal. And to be honest, I kind of let it go because one, I haven't had children, and it just always felt a little odd to me. I, I like to do things that I've had experience with personally so that I can relate to my client, um, instead of just be like, This is what clinically I was taught, you know, and.

And also I just, I couldn't get behind the prenatal. There's one or two companies that I'm like, No, they're doing a great job. But still, it was just killing me because I was like, But there's so much more nuance into this. Like there's, oh, it's so important. So I'm not a huge fan of prenatals, if I'm honest.

And not to say that I, that you shouldn't take one if it's a really, really, really, really, really high quality company. Uh, but it's, it's better to test, it's better to know what you actually need and to take separate, um, so that you can actually balance out the dosing. So like, takes me into dosing. So like I was saying in my example, like you, you might need more vitamin [00:38:00] D than a multi would give you and less zinc, or probably zero zinc if you're in excess.

Um, and in fact you probably need to work on taking nutrients to help lower that and different things, you know, so it's. It's better to be able to supplement to you uniquely as as you are. And then here's the other part, you change. Right, Based off stress, based off what you're supplementing, based off what you're eating.

All these different factors, even genetic factors that are activated by your environment, it's called epigenetics. That all impacts how your body shifts and changes. So it's not like you test once and you're like, That's it. I'm never gonna change, you know, every six months. Like I test my clients and it's different, you know,

So, um, actually for a lot of my clients, we test every three months if we're doing big deep work because we wanna see how did the body shift, how did it utilize this, how do we meet it where it's at? Cuz everyone's body's different. Some of some of our bodies move quickly, some of our bodies move slower.

Um, some of us are able to absorb certain, certain [00:39:00] nutrients and not others. And we don't. I can, I'm pretty good. I, I will speak highly of myself here. I am pretty good at reading the body, but testing affirms it and confirms it and, and really allows you. to feel confident in the use of supplementation or the use of whatever it is, you know, that I would step into next with you for your goals.

But dosing is so important. Um, like taking 15 milligrams of zinc versus a hundred milligrams of zinc is vastly different. Um, you know, there's so many different things, and I'm using easy things like minerals, but excuse me, there's, there's just so much. So it can be really helpful to use a practitioner, and I didn't actually mean to make this about using a practitioner, realizing I'm saying that a lot, but I guess I'm just explaining how much I love supplements.

But the importance behind it is, you know, the timing, the dosing, the digestibility, the absorbability, and, uh, understanding the state of your body. And then lastly, [00:40:00] I, I kind of already touched on this, but the combination. So there are some nutrients that need their partners and their friends. Um, so when you do take them, uh, they don't necessarily have to be combined.

I'm trying to think of a good example, kind of a, a popular one that a lot of people are talking about are vitamin D and vitamin K, right? Needing to take, um, them at the same time so that the vitamin D is actually absorbed. Um, but we also need to look at calcium levels. Uh, but anyways, that being said, you know, it's, you don't necessarily have to take vitamin D and vitamin K at the same time together.

Um, you can actually separate them and have them in different capsules or liquids or whatever. Uh, so just kind of understanding what you can use and. There's just so much subtlety to it and that sky's why I think there's a lot of confusion around supplementation, why a lot of people feel like, Oh, it doesn't work.

And I'm like, Oh, bullshit. It's just because you haven't used good quality supplements and you don't have [00:41:00] someone that's telling, guiding you and showing you how to use it uniquely for your body in this timing. So if you ever feel that way, like, ugh, I just, it doesn't seem to make a difference. I don't, I mean, I'm just doing it cuz I'm, that celebrity said I should, or that influencer that looks really good on Instagram said, I said they take this, so I take it, you know, like if you're not feeling a difference, um, Stop taking it for one and two, seek help, get support.

And, and maybe that's simply you researching. Um, if you're human design with, with a one in your profile, get into that research . Um, or if not, if this feels like another language, another world, then get someone to help you with it. Um, get a guide, get a, a well trained functional practitioner, nutritional therapist that knows how to work with supplements, not just food.

That's a big difference. I will say that there's a lot of health coaches and even nutritionists and dieticians that don't know [00:42:00] didly squat about supplementation. Honestly, a lot of them don't know a lot about food either. But, uh, that's just my, my opinion. Uh, Finding someone that has been trained well. Um, one of the organizations that I did training through Restorative Wellness is a really, really great, uh, website to look at.

So wherever you are, if you wanna find a restorative wellness practitioner, so someone trained within that methodology, I highly recommend that. Um, I'll make sure that we put the link below. And any sort of functional medicine doctor is usually pretty good, and that's different than integrative. Most integrative doctors aren't a hundred percent fantastic.

Functional is really kind of what you, the word you wanna look for. And then nutritional therapy is usually another good kind of term if you're searching for a guide. So I hope that's helpful. You guys, uh, I know this is a big topic. Oh, I was [00:43:00] gonna give you my , my top couple supplements. So if you do wanna get started on supplementing, but you're a little nervous now because Jessie just freaked you out about quality and all of that.

Uh, and you're like throwing away your multi right now. That's cool. I love you. I see you and I'm proud of you for caring about your body. Um, and also no shame, no shame if, if you did have a Costco multi, like I love you. Obviously that was my story too, right? So I, until, you know, better, you just, you do the best you can.

So now, you know, um, okay, so obviously the number one thing I said was magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium. And there's many different forms of magnesium. I could do a whole podcast on this. Uh, so again, depending on like what, what you want to use, but a good general magnesium. Without knowing too many specifics about what you need, magnesium glycinate or bi glycinate is a really great magnesium to start with.

And I usually [00:44:00] recommend taking magnesium if you're just starting out at night. So like right before bed, it'll help you with sleep, it'll help you have a nice healthy bowel movement in the morning. But most of all, it'll help you at the cellular level to create energy and to feel more stable and sustained and calm under stress.

Okay. Um, and again, I have my link, uh, and maybe I'll put the link in the show notes too, um, to my dispensary. You can create an accountant there and I need to organize it. Hopefully it'll be organized by the time I release this. If not, I apologize. But, um, you can kind of go through there. I've created general categories.

Again, that need to be updated, but you can kind of see general recommendations and at least you can see brands and, and types that I, I have listed there. So the second one would be, um, sourcing a good combination of B vitamins. B vitamins are so important for you as a sensitive, oh my gosh, they're so important.

And they're big source of, or [00:45:00] their deficiencies is a big source of, uh, brain malfunction and mood disorders, um, as well as energy and skin health, hair health, everything. So I love supplementing with liver. Now if you're in the whole food camp, you can absolutely do liver. And the way that I would quote unquote supplement with real liver is, um, getting some raw grass fed, a hundred percent grass fed Pasteur raised beef liver.

And, um, freezing it , or actually no, not freezing it first. Uh, well, you can freeze it and then you can either shave it into different things, like different meals or stuff like that, or, um, before you freeze it, you can chop it up into tiny little pieces like tiny, tiny little pieces, uh, and then freeze it.

And you always, if you're getting raw, you always, always, always need to [00:46:00] freeze for a minimum of 14 days before you utilize it, because that will kill any pathogens that are in it. Okay. That is important. Um, spec, especially if you're using this with kiddos. So that is a way to do it with whole food. But, um, I love the company ancestral supplements.

Um, they have a pretty wild owner . He's pretty bonkers, but I, I don't know. I'm always attracted to really crazy personalities. It's just, it's fascinating to me. I'm not really, he's not really my personal style, but I'm just intrigued by him. Anyways, so I'm, If you check him out, he's called like the Liver King.

He's like a fictional character. It's hilarious. I just, I don't know, I'm just so fascinated by people like that, that are just like, how do you keep this up? Like, this is incredible. I feel like he would been, he would've been an amazing actor. Um, not that he's being fake, but just that like he's, he's so committed.

He's like a, Oh, what are they called? Oh, my, How am I blanking on this right now? Oh, it doesn't matter. Method actor, that's [00:47:00] what it's like. A method actor is just like in it. Um, anyways, so if you do check them out, uh, ancestral supplement, their, their liver, um, is encapsulated and they have a lot of other organs.

I'm a big, big fan of taking organs. In fact, I think I'm gonna do a whole thing on that. Within the method, you can completely restore your body through just, uh, consuming organs. Um, and as you can tell that I am not, uh, a fan of veganism or vegetarianism, , especially not for sensitives, which can feel ironic.

And I believe, I don't know if I, I think I've done a podcast on that. If not, I have a lot of Instagram posts on it. Um, maybe I need to do a podcast post on that. But, um, if that is triggering to you, , all I can do right now is say I'm sorry, but , I've come a long way, um, from that and am now no longer, no longer, uh, willing to even compromise around that.

It's absolutely vital that you eat animal [00:48:00] products in order to be healthy. So I'm sorry if that's, that's hard for you to hear, but it's, um, from my personal experience that is very much just, uh, a bit of a fact. So, okay. The third thing that I recommend that's safe, I think for anyone and everyone to take, uh, is enzymes.

Oh my gosh, you guys, enzymes are one of the supplements that have changed my life. Uh, I used to be bloated all the time. I used to literally be in so much physical pain in my abdomen, just from the stomach to the small intestines of the colon. I just was a mess. High quality enzymes changed my life. I'm like, the more the better.

when it comes to enzymes. I, I take a really high dose of enzymes, even to this day, even with having optimized my food and all sorts of other things, I just, I, I love it. I feel so amazing on them. And then enzymes taken away from food are life [00:49:00] changing, specifically proteolytic enzymes, but that's another discussion.

I won't get into that. My nerdy brain's starting to go there. So magnesium, liver, and if you're uncomfortable with liver or it feels new, you can do a B complex. Um, but that one's a little bit trickier because you wanna make sure you have the right levels and. Methylated, um, is the form that you typically wanna use.

But I have come across many sensitives that can't handle methylated bees, so it gets a little bit nitty gritty there. That's why I like the whole food form best of the liver. Um, either in true whole food where you're freezing it or doing the encapsulated powdered liver, which is what you'll get with ancestral supplements.

So I think I'm gonna stick with that for now. Uh, magnesium liver enzymes, and then these ones are a little bit, they require a bit more understanding, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna say them anyways. Uh, probiotics, I'm a big fan of probiotics. There's two different kinds of probiotics. They are, uh, native and there are [00:50:00] transient and native probiotics are also known as spore based.

Um, and bottom line, they actually get to your large intestine. They can help you repopulate, um, or. Rearrange , your microbiome, your gut microbiome in order to, uh, support beneficial bacteria dominance, Right? In our gut, we have both, all of us have pathogens, commen and beneficial, and bacteria, or really any sort of pathogen.

And what we really want is the bacteria, the beneficial bacteria to dominate, meaning that that's, that's the greater quantity within your gut. Um, and so they're managing, they're, uh, keeping the pathogens and the commensal in check. Okay? So, uh, native probiotics can do that, and they're the type. Another way to know is they're not refrigerated, typically.

They don't have to be refrigerated. And then transient probiotics are the ones that you see in the refrigerated section. [00:51:00] And these are tricky because there can be. Really no benefit to a lot of 'em because they're, they're dead. Like they're just not even effective where they, by the time they get to your intestines, it's just gone.

So, um, this, this is, it is really important. You get high quality here. and I, I have some again on my, on my dispensary if you'd like to search through. But the way I see transient probiotics is that you, they're not necessarily gonna shift your microbiome, but what they can do is, um, help, at least not long term.

They can shift it for the day. So I kind of honestly see them similar to enzymes in that they come in and help you break food down. They help to just like temporarily put the, put the, uh, microbiome in a better state, but then they get flushed out every day. They don't necessarily stay and root and, and build, you know, uh, bacteria.

So it is something that you need to [00:52:00] take daily, um, like your whole life . And whereas the spore based, you don't necessarily need to take them every day. Although someone argue at this point that because we have so much that's coming at us every day, that we do need to be bringing in spore based probiotics every day.

I personally do take them every. But you know, again, that's kind of up for debate. Okay. Number two, stomach acid support. Um, this is probably the most important supplement I think a sensitive should take, but I, I'm a little hesitant about just like stating it, uh, because I think there needs to be some explanation of how to utilize it properly.

So I am going to be releasing this into the method this year. I'm so excited about that. Um, on how to measure yourself for proper stomach acid. Uh, there's a big misunderstanding, um, within our culture that is starting to shift, at least. It's definitely shifted on the functional side, [00:53:00] but the western, uh, medical society or society, uh, culture is still stuck in this.

I don't understand why, but they're stuck in some really old research on this. But your stomach needs to be acidic. You need an acidic stomach. Do not take Tums. People do not take Tums. It is very rare that you would actually need that, and that's not really the route you wanna go anyways. Um, if you actually needed to alkanize your stomach, do, um, oh my gosh, why am I blanking on this right now?

Baking soda. Baking soda, um, take like, uh, a little bit of baking soda in water and, and chug that, but it's rare. Very, very rare that you need that. Most of us have Alka and eye stomachs because stress creates alkaline stomachs. And this is one of the first things I teach my clients and I won't dive into too much of it today cause this is probably already a really long podcast.

Uh, but your stomach is more than like, Too alkaline [00:54:00] and needs to become more acidic in order for you to break food down properly so that it doesn't come back up. And also so that you kill any pathogens that are coming in, um, through your food. So it's one of our, uh, top defenders is our stomach acid, and it is the way that we break down and absorb and utilize.

And it's also the trigger point for the rest of the digestive system. If you don't have an acidic stomach, then uh, your gallbladder doesn't release and your pancreas doesn't release enzymes and the small intestine doesn't respond and things just don't move. Sis is gone. Like the things get stuck, food gets stuck in your intestines and rots, um, and causes all sorts of, uh, bacteria issues.

And just your microbiome gets outta balance. It causes dysbiosis is the term. So, long story short on that stomach acidity is so important, um, and it's important you can, you can enhance stomach acidity through many different routes. Um, [00:55:00] I personally. Would say at this point that taking like a teas working your way up from like a teaspoon to a tablespoon of apple CID vinegar before meals, just doing a spoonful of it in the mouth is a really beautiful way to start to strengthen.

Um, lowering stress is also a great way to strengthen, um, But there's supplements that you can take. I'm not gonna say them right now cause I just don't wanna encourage you to do it, but I'm gonna teach you how to do this in my method soon. Okay? And the third one is adaptogens. I've talked about adaptogens a lot.

I talked about rodeo. I've talked about rodeo so much because I just, I have so much success with sensitive in rodeo. Um, it's a beautiful adaptogen. Not all quality, not all supplements are high quality, so you won't necessarily always receive a benefit, but, There's just, there's one that I just love. It's by Gaia.

Uh, and it's a, it's kind of a, it's in a capsule, but it's [00:56:00] liquid. It just works so well, guys. And it's of course on my dispensary. Love, love, love that one. Um, but there's many other adaptogens that can help you to balance stress, help you to balance your immune system. And the, the basis of adaptogens is that, whether you're high or low, whether you're in access or deficiency, it will bring you into balance.

It's really beautiful. And then, of course, vitamins and minerals. Um, you can take, I recommend taking them individually based off blood testing, um, or other forms of testing. You can do urine as well. Uh, not a multi. That is really the biggest takeaway is I really don't recommend taking multis. Unless you really know what you're doing and it matches, sometimes multi do just match exactly what you need.

So, uh, that's it. , can you believe it? That was a much longer podcast that I intended. Uh, but all this to say, guys, supplements are so [00:57:00] powerful. So if someone has told you, or you have experienced a lack of power within the use of supplements, it's, it's cuz you're not using them right, or they're not the right supplements for you.

Uh, you need to dive into the goodies, the good ones, and work with someone that can help you or dive into the research and the understanding yourself. It's so, so worth it guys. You can change your life. I didn't even talk about amino acids and I can't shut up about those. If you're on Instagram, you. I talk about them often because amino acids are the way that you can change your mood, your perspective on life within seconds.

Like it's so fast, guys, um, so fast. So if you are feeling overwhelmed, if you're feeling sick, if you're feeling distressed, if you're feeling like you can't eat a meal without feeling disgusting or pain like I was, um, or nauseous or whatever, supplements can make a [00:58:00] huge difference. So connect with someone.

Connect with someone that can change your life through supplements and, um, of course look at food too, but know that it's honestly, food alone is, is not gonna do it. Guys, I know that's pretty controversial to say, but food alone is not gonna do it. It's not gonna rescue you. It's not, I, I honestly believe that you need both.

I think you can get far with food, but I don't think you're actually. Fully, fully resolve everything without supplements. So at least not as quickly it might take your whole life. supplements can get somewhere within minutes to six months. You can completely change your life. So I'm all about efficiency, y'all.

I'm all about efficiency. I do not want you in pain or discomfort for years and years and years and years like I was. I, I wanna get you home sooner. I want you to be in your body and be happy to be in your body. Cuz as a sensitive, that is the best feeling to feel grounded in your physical [00:59:00]capsule instead of up in the sky or deep below drowning.

Like those are the two extremes we tend to feel and there's nothing like that balanced body, grounded body feeling. So I hope this has been helpful and like I've been saying, if you feel like I'm a good fit for you, step over to mi floor wellness.com. My actual, explain a little bit about the method, but if you wanna work one on one with me and actually get test.

There is an application for that and I'll include the link below. Thanks guys. I love you and thanks for tuning in. Talk to you soon.

You are called to live differently, my friend. What is one way that you can honor your natural sensitivity today? Take that one step and if you feel uncertain, hesitant about how to navigate life as a natural sensitive. I have something for you. I've created the authentic calm method, a beautiful platform and resource to create your [00:26:00] healthiest, most whole, authentic self.

We start with layer one of the reconnection. Tuning into the body. Layer two, we dive into your authentic rhythm, how you're meant to eat, sleep, move, be, work, rest, recover. It's so unique to you and it's so critical that you understand that. And lastly, we finish by uncovering the remedies that work best for you.

The tools, tonics and therapies that will optimize your health and give you your capacity back. Alongside all of this, we have the beautiful sensitive circle, a community where you can be seen and known, heard, and understood, where you can share your process as much or as little as you desire. If this intrigues you, the link to join is below.

It is such an honor to have your ear and to share this episode with you. Until we release our next I cheers to your health Avotre Sante.

Links Mentioned

Merfleur Wellness Dispensary

Step into the Authentic Calm Method & Sensitive Circle to receive guidance and supportive community as you move towards your healthiest most authentic self!

To live authentically, rediscover your natural self, and restore your health as a Sensitive, peruse the resources below:


Episode 10: Part 1 - Emotionally Processing a Disappointment - the Launch of the Authentic Calm Method


Episode 8: Heal the Way You Work With Kate Northrup of The Origin Company