Episode 31: Uncover & Delight in Your Authentic Self With Gene Keys Coach Analena Fuchs



Episode 31 Season 3

[00:00:00] The Authentic Calm Podcast, your space to understand your natural sensitivity, why you have it, what to do with it, and how to move through life differently to honor it. Together, we will look at holistic and natural supports. Dive deep into our subconscious, our conditioning, our programming, and learn how to release it, how to step into a new perspective and reframe our life to match who we actually are. Let's dive in.

 The Authentic, calm podcast, your space to understand your natural sensitivity, why you have it, what to do with it, and how to move through life differently to. Honor it. Together, we will look at holistic and natural supports, dive deep into our subconscious, our conditioning, our programming, and learn how to release it, how to step into a new perspective and reframe our life to match who we actually are.

Let's dive in.

Jessi: Welcome in my friends, I have Analena here and we are already just like laughing and having a ball. We were just joking that all of our calls have been like play dates, . They're just so delightful. And I've seriously been looking forward to this for like weeks, like since our last, uh, I guess our last zoom, our last call, and I'm just so excited to dive into Jean Keys with you because I just sense, uh, you have the same passion for just learning and you're also just so good at explaining things. And Jean Keys can be very complex, kinda like human design. It's complex, but simple at the same time, you know? Um, but in the simplicity, it's very deep, I find.

Jessi: And so I, oh, can't wait to have you on and explain. So welcome

Analena: back in an Analena. I'm so happy to be here for the play date, .

Jessi: And you said you pulled a card for this. Uh,

Analena: tell our audience about that. A yeah. So I have this card tag, which by the way, highly recommend this. It's called The Wisdom Keepers by Rosie Aronson.

Analena: Mm-hmm. Um, so it's the 46 Genies, basically on the card deck, uh, plus one mirror card, which is the, you and I was, I felt called to just pull a card and actually what happened and when card fell out. So it's like, okay. Was just like, I don't even have to pull it. It was so clear. , and it's the 46, which is your conscious earth.

Analena: Mm-hmm. . I saw that in your profile. And the shadow is seriousness and the gift is delight. So, and then the city's ecstasy. And I, I love this because I think I just shadow it with you because before we started, like human design, especially the jinky, oftentimes I, I think I talked about way too serious and cuz there's a lot of shadow work in there.

Analena: And one of the things that I find for myself actually is like, I love to talk about things in a more like lighter way and in a fun way. And I used to be a very serious kid, was like the strong face. I'm like, oh, cuz I'm, I'm an aqua, right? I'm a lot in my head and thinking and all that stuff. So, That's why I love we pulled this card.

Analena: Perfect.

Jessi: And for those that are listening, they're like, what are they talking about? Don't you worry. We're gonna dive in and explain everything that Alina just said and get ready. You're gonna have a system. If this is new to you, Jean Keys is new to you. Get ready to have your mind blown and get really obsessed with the new system.

Jessi: So an Alina. Oh, and I'll also say like anyone that's, you know, new to this, definitely go back and listen to, we have two other episodes that'll be coming out before this, uh, but I share a lot about an Alina and where she comes from. So definitely go back and listen to her beautiful story and all her wisdom she has to offer in many other areas.

Jessi: But today we're just gonna dive into the goodness and because we keep wanting to talk about different things and we just have so much you wanna share about each topic. So I'm like, we gotta leave as

Analena: much time as possible, . Oh,

Jessi: cuz you and I are just deep souls. So I would love Alina, if you could just dive into the basics.

Jessi: Like what in the world is Jean Keys? How did it come onto this planet? What's the intention? And then how do we start to understand like our unique uh, I guess, chart or system through, through gene keys. .

Analena: Yeah. Beautiful. So I'm gonna explain this a little bit with the context of human design, right? Mm-hmm.

Analena: because it's perfect, kinda, it's very connected and related. Yeah. So we have human design, and if you're listening, you should probably know about this already. So, human design is this incredible system that combines astrology. There's Chinese ik, , Western and eastern astrology. Uh, the cabal system, the Hindu chakra system.

Analena: Like, it's incredible and it really gives you this blueprint of who you are and how you make decisions. And it was mind blowing for me, right? Like totally changed my life. I was like, oh my gosh, wherever it has has been my, all my life. And it was just so incredible. And I know we talked especially about the deconditioning in the first episode we recorded, right?

Analena: Mm-hmm. . So this system was brought into the world, let's say a channel from his name is Ra. and or Robert Krak is his real name. So he was an Ibiza in 1987 and he channeled the system. It came through him and he said, which I really find so beautiful. It's for the entire world. Nobody owns it. That's one of things I like the most actually about this because I'm not a big fan of trademarking, or especially with wars.

Analena: Like if, how can we own words or thanks of that helping humanity, like you know, we all are connected and we all belong and it's, it's such a gift. So that is the first thing. And then there were many people that were his students, right? So one of his students was Karen Corey Parker, who was first my teacher when I learned human design.

Analena: Then there's also Richard Rod. He also knew Rob. and Richard Rud is the, what we call the founder of the Jin Keys. And Richard Rud actually was first the human design person in the uk. And I don't know the details there. There's some stories about it. I'm not here to judge Shering anything about it. I think everybody is living out their purpose in their own unique way, right?

Analena: And if they got along or not, that's, I think also part of the evolution, right? Mm-hmm. and why we're here, where we're at today. Um, but long story short, eventually Richard Rud had his own like enlightenment moments, right? Where he received those transmissions. Now about the Jin Keys, and if you can kind of think, so in human design we have 64 gates.

Analena: And these 64 gates are archetypal energies of really how the universe works. For me. It explains everything in these 64 gates there are correlated to the Chinese . So all this goes back to the Chinese , which is such a. , ancient wisdom that has been around 5,000 and thousand of years, right? Mm-hmm. . And so the 64 jean keys are an extension of the 64 gates in a way.

Analena: Like the gates always have like a higher and a low expression, or I like to say a shadow side and a, and a higher expression, because we live in a world of polarity, right? And we always, like the shadow helps us to kind of like, okay, but we need to embrace the shadow so we can actually access the gift and not keep judging ourselves, right?

Analena: Mm-hmm. And the Jin Keys now take these 64 gate energies, which again, they go back to the Chinese side and they go into the depth. They go like, like the book that he wrote. I mean, every Genki is a book in itself in some way. Like, and it's makes you speechless. I have to say, in all honesty, when I first, cause I, I first human design came to me and then very quickly, Uh, I heard about the Jin case and I actually got the book and I was like, first time I read, return the book because it's such a big thing.

Analena: And I started to read and I was like, this is kind of too philosophical. And I, I, I don't know what to do with this . I was, I wasn't ready for it. Yeah, yeah. And then it took for me, I was at a human design conference, um, that was, that was virtual. And Richard Rod was one of the guest speakers. And when I heard him talk and I listened to the whole story, and he also, he talked actually about ra and I saw Ross chart, the human design chart, and then Richard Rod's human design chart, and like, wow, , like, he got me, like, I got mesmerized and I was just like, I have to, like, I felt the pole so strongly in my sa in my sac.

Analena: And that was the history of that, right? So then I was like, okay, I got kind of activated with a Jean Case. And, and again, it came to me. I wasn't planning for it. And, and this is also, I wanna say this to people listening right now. , you will know when the time comes, when you're ready for the jinky. Is this not something you have to do?

Analena: Maybe there's something you're never gonna be interested in. There's lots of people, like in my case, there was human design first and then came the jinky. There are other people I know that are only diving into human design. There are people that only dive into the, there are also people that are in the J case, and then they dive into human design.

Analena: And in a way, human design is a little bit more masculine approach because it gives us a strategy to make decisions, right? Like you're a manifested and forming and as a manager and the way to respond and. Very often what I have found in the human design community is when people do not do the deconditioning work.

Analena: And that's why we did the episode about this. Mm-hmm. . So human design with the deconditioning work for me is very grounded, but human design on its own. Without doing the deconditioning work, I feel like people get a lot in their heads. Mm-hmm. Overthink stuff. And what do I do now with this gay? Like, like, I need to figure it out.

Analena: And the biggest message of human design is that the mind is not here to make decisions, . So that's why I love the jinky, because the jinky are all about embodiment. Mm-hmm. You know, and yes, human design is as well with the deconditioning. And so in the, in the gene case, the approach is all. , and I love this because you know, my podcast is called Out of Slowing Down.

Analena: It's all about slowing down. It's about patience. And so in the JY we have something that we call a golden path. So the way that Richard Rud received these insights about the genies and the deeper knowledge, the depth of these 64 archival energies, it's like there is a sequence how we can go. Because in human design we have all these gates right on the left and the right, the conscious and unconscious.

Analena: And it can be a little bit overwhelming. Like, where do I start and what's this number, what's this line? And this isn't this planet. And like, you know, and then I have to follow strategy and authority and . That's again, it gets us in the head. And now in the Jean Keys, in a way, it's simplicity. Mm-hmm. , right?

Analena: Because it shows you, okay, go here first, then there. And at a very, very, Slow pace. Mm-hmm. . So the golden path consists of three sequences, the golden path, the first sequence is called the activation sequence. Mm-hmm. , which moves through four, we call them spheres. And the gene key, so, which is basically four gates in human design, which is your incarnation crossing human design.

Analena: Mm-hmm. So it moves through your conscious sun, but the conscious sun and the jinky is called your life sphere. Mm-hmm. And then the conscious earth is called the evolution. Then your unconscious sun is called your radiance sphere. And then the one at the bottom is your purpose. Jean Key, which is your unconscious.

Analena: I believe

Jessi: And you don't have to like figure all this out, like there's a chart. You can go onto the Jean Key's website. Yes. And how this come up for you. So for those of you listening like, oh crap, do I have to figure this out? Like, there is a system that won't do this for you, so you'll visually see it and uh, and kind of get to understand your, your golden path.

Jessi: And could you kind of tell us, um, what the golden path is like in general? Like how does Richard Wright describe that? How did he come to. , is it just like meant to bring you to enlightenment? Like what is the goal of the Golden Path? Yeah,

Analena: I mean, it's all about that. I always say also a human design is about trusting yourself and being your authentic self and really fully living your purpose, right?

Analena: Mm-hmm. . And so you can go, like you say, you can go to my to jin.com to the website. There's a free profile, you have to put in your date of birth, the time and the place you were born, and that's how you get your free profile. I also, personally, I use Genetic Matrix because I use that for my human design charts.

Analena: I have a professional account there and there you can also, um, show, show the charts and, uh, for those of the ones that are watching this on the video, eventually . So, um, right now I'm sharing your chart, right? So mm-hmm. , the, the golden Path, like I said, it consists of three sequences and it's all about, so the first part of the sequence, which is the activation sequence, is about getting to know your genius.

Analena: like it's all about the purpose. When we talk about what's make purpose, what am I here for? Mm-hmm. . And it's not necessarily about what you are doing, it's about who are you being. Mm-hmm. Right. So embodiment and I get . Exactly. It's about embodiment. And I get, in my case, um, I'm here to make it in a, in a short summary.

Analena: It's like I'm here to guide humanity into the future. I kind of don't belong here, . And then when I first read it, but I was, I was like, yeah, that's who I am. It, it felt so true. And cuz I have the, the right angle cross of the swings, which is the consciousness is my 13 and everything was just like, it made so much sense.

Analena: It was just like, this is who I am. And the way that you go through this sequence, so we're still at the first one, right? Mm-hmm. , which is called the activation sequence, is that you take a full month to just contemplate one of those drinkies. . I love that. And who, and in this day and age has patience for that , right?

Analena: A

Jessi: months, months, a long time. a month, a long time.

Analena: Mm-hmm. . Yeah. And it's not here to, I'm not here to tell you, okay, you are conscious or your lives work. 25 means x, y, z. That's what you have to do. That's not what it is. Mm-hmm. It is as you read. So you can read the book, the chapter, and the book from the, from the Jinky.

Analena: You can also listen to the audio book on book. You can also purchase. So Richard Rat did some separate, like audios about the kind of, kind of more Freeflow talking about the Jinky. You can buy them on the Jinky website. They're just a couple of dollar. You can also buy all 64 a package. I highly recommend that, by the way.

Analena: Um, that's good to, and I think that's also another book out there where there's also written down, I think that's the white one and that's the other one is the dark blue one on Amazon. So, um, the. Way it works is that just by reading one of the gene keys, it activates something in your dna. Mm-hmm. And you may actually notice, like as you start to read the gene keys, just reading it, like you get really tired because it starts to, something starts to happen on a cellular level.

Analena: And I have noticed that lots of people have talked to Emma, Luis, for example, about that conversation, and she has experienced that. And it's about what that means for you. Mm-hmm. And one of the biggest things in the Gene Keys is the art of contemplation. And that in a way is a type of shadow work.

Analena: And it's all about slowing down. It's about patience. And it's like, as you, let's say you read your Gene Key you listen to it, and there's always, there's a shadow, which is our, yeah. Kind of not self lower expression. And then there's the gift and then there's the siddhi and. in the self-development world we have been in, we are so conditioned with this positive thinking and focused on the good, which would be kind of like forcing yourself to be in the gift.

Analena: But the essence, which really goes along with what we talked in the deconditioning, episode, right, is that when you are in your shadow, right, which for you as the 25 is constriction, or the 46 is a seriousness, right? We take everything so serious in life. , let's say you have a day and you're being so serious and everything is a big deal, and then you just kind of like, okay, yeah, go on.

Analena: don't make it a big deal. Be gentle with yourself, but, and be loving with that part of you that is so serious because only as we fully embrace the shadow without judgment and it, it does take some time, that's only how we can release the gift. , which in that sense is the delight. So if you keep pushing away the seriousness, that is a part of who you are, we gotta love that part of you.

Analena: That's your quickest access point to the gift, to the delight. And then the accessy, like which, so the city, the city is kind of the enlightened states, universal consciousness. We get sparks here and there. It's not something we are gonna hang out all the time. Um, so it's more for us to be more in the gift, more consistently.

Analena: Hmm. However, that only happens when we can fully embrace love and accept the shadow part of us. Right. So it's a deep, deep contemplation, especially of the shadow. And every shadow also, which is so interesting, has like, , um, repressive nature and a reactive nature. So the represses, represses, repressive, difficult word is more like when we are very submissive and we kind of give up on ourselves or we let other people walk over us.

Analena: Yeah. And the reactive side of the shadows often, which is almost always comes from a place of insecurity, but people lash out in anger and more aggressively, right? Mm-hmm. . So you can have both in it, but most of the time, like I, I have noticed for myself as I've been contemplating my jinky, it's more the more the repressive in my case, you know, I've been always like a people pleaser and like, don't upset anybody, , which also makes sense of my human design, open solar plexus and Yeah.

Analena: Um, being a highly sensitive person and all of that, right? So,

Jessi: yeah. But it's, I feel like too, when you. . There's probably a progression as well that when you repress probably a ton, eventually you're gonna get to the reactive. Yeah. Or you might have those moments of reaction that are like volcano explosions,

Jessi: You're like, whoa, where did that come from? But it's been building and building. It's the other side of the coin. Yeah. Yeah. Can you break down a little more? Um, cuz I know, like I'm used to this language now and of course like you're an expert in this. I'm thinking of those where this is like, we just threw like a whole new language at them.

Jessi: Uh, so the, the shadow for someone that's like, I just like to go back to basics, like when we're talking shadow, like this isn't necessarily. I'm trying to think of negative connotations, like evil or like sinful, or like, this is actually just a part of you being human, right? Like being serious is not like, we'll talk about my 46.

Jessi: Like, being serious is not always bad. There's moments where you need to be serious. So that is a part of me, but it's when I'm con, continually living in my seriousness, right? Like I'm supposed to be enjoying the delight more and then the seriousness comes in as needed. Is that how you would kind of describe it, or how would you differentiate between like when the shadow is healthy or there's healthy awareness of the shadow?

Jessi: What does that look

Analena: like? Yeah. Yeah. The shadow is never bad. It's like always what I like to say. You know, we have day and night, we have hot and cold. Mm-hmm. , we have, we have emotions, but what do we do with humans? We say they're positive and negative. We've put the label on it. Yeah. It's, it's kind of the same thing, but of course we have this natural connotation to like, okay, let shatter, we wanna avoid it.

Analena: Just like, mm-hmm. . Think about. Sadness, grief, anger. These are all things we have labeled as bad. Mm-hmm. . Right? And so what are we when resistance, when we resist persists? Mm. What we can accept has the capacity to change. So shadows are a natural part of being a human. We live in a world of polarity, duality, right?

Analena: They, the, the gift only exists because the shadow is there. It cannot exist on its own. Right. It's like you have, you have a coin. You cannot have one side of a coin. You always have two sides of the coin. Mm-hmm. , right? So now my whole body has tingles, . That was really good. You're like, wow, I'm good. . That's amazing.

Analena: Channel. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, sometimes these like insights in the moments. Um, just my switch, my 61, that's a jinky that I'm contemplating right now. Um, but anyways, it's literally like, . That's exactly the most important point of all, actually, with the entire Jenkins, is with human design and everything, and the whole self-development work for myself, I find, is that we need to stop making that a bad thing because then we earn resistance, and the more we resist something, the more we, we experience that.

Analena: And especially, for example, anger. Mm-hmm. You know, I know like those things like be a good girl, be a good boy. Like, don't be mad. I mean, that is not socially cool or accepted. Right. It's like shush. Mm-hmm. Be quiet , or stop crying. There's something wrong with you or we need to fix it. Mm-hmm. . Right? That all perpetuates the cycle and makes it worse.

Analena: It's, it's just like, uh, I sit up with my daughter when I tell her, and I, I maybe, and I have talked about this already, but yeah. I. Right. Like when she has something where she gets really triggered and she's mad and she's sad, whatever's coming out of her, and I just let her be with that. And I, I let her, let her know it's okay, feel it, feel it, and two minutes later, totally cool, fine.

Analena: Like nothing happened. If I'm like, no, you stop it. Don't cry. Don't be mad. It's gonna be a holy thing and it's gonna blow out of proportion, you know, so we, we got that wrong down the line somewhere. And we cannot blame our parents for it. We cannot blame anybody for it. We now have the gift in this day and age that we have these systems and Richard Rad bringing us the out of contemplation and talking about, like he always says, , the, you can, the gift is in the shadow.

Analena: It's like the way I have graphic, um, made this before in a presentation, it's like, you know, there's like a, um, a present to open up. It's your birthday, there's a present now, and inside of it, the present is, is a diamond. Now the presence is the shadow. It's your gift. I mean, the, but you have to open it, you have to dive into it.

Analena: Mm-hmm. It may be scary because the unknown, I don't know what's inside. Mm-hmm. Right. So we have to dive into that. We have to open it up, we have to meet it, we have to face it. Right on. Oftentimes what we are scared of, because it's very uncomfortable to confront our shadows. Mm-hmm. , you know, the part of us that's super critical, that's always going into the negative and that feels like a victim.

Analena: That feels super inadequate and. , all of it. But that is part of being a human. So yeah, that's why the shadow is actually the most beautiful thing when we can see it this way. And the more you can get to this place, which I have to be honest, I may take a little bit of time because we have been, for decades, been trained to run away from it and make it a bad thing.

Analena: Especially I think with men as as well, right? For men to be vulnerable and to cry. I mean, Aspen labeled as super weak. Yeah. Right? Mm-hmm. and not sexy and something. And honestly, I have to say, and this has also taken me some time for me, it's the most sexy thing in a human, if it, especially men. Mm-hmm. And they can be freaking vulnerable with how they feel.

Analena: Even if they wanna cry. I don't, they have no reason to judge, you know? Yeah. And because we are humans and we are here to feel an emotion, need, need to be felt. Mm-hmm. So true. .

Jessi: And how do you, like, how would I lean into the seriousness? Like, cuz I, I know when I first started learning about human design and of course immediately heard about jinky and then dove into that, and I'm so, like, naturally in my mind it's hard for me to enter my body.

Jessi: So I'm of course like analyzing everything and like, okay, I gotta stay away from being serious and like, I can't be serious as I'm being serious about not being serious, you know, , it's like, yeah. Um, like actually, like it's funny cuz like my, you know, , my shadow of my life's work is constriction, right? So that's what happens.

Jessi: I get constricted, I get serious, I get so focused, I get intense. Mm-hmm. And that's the little opposite of like, where I can give my gifts or my gifts naturally come out of me. Mm-hmm. And uh, so how would you guide someone that's like, Living in that kind of black and white world of like, okay, like I've gotta avoid the shadow.

Jessi: I've got to lean into the gift and gets a little intense about it. someone like me that has that Capricorn rising that's like, okay, ,

Analena: I will figure this out. Yeah. So from my own journey, what I have found has helped me the most, especially in the beginning, because most of us, believe it or not, especially the people please us, we have a lot of suppressed anger.

Analena: Mm-hmm. , a lot of suppressed anger and what are you talking about, ? Yeah. Yeah, I know . So I love, so for that, so let's say you have, and this is, I love what you explained about the seriousness and the construction because these are programming partners. So they're, there is kind of, uh, yeah, it's a dance between the two and it's sometimes it's a challenge actually to kind of.

Analena: have these both come kind of into harmony eventually that can totally happen. Mm-hmm. and, and then you have acceptance and the delight, right? And the gift frequency. So the way that I, even before I knew about the gene keys, and I think this has helped, helped me a lot to dive a little bit quicker or also into the out of contemplation because of all the deconditioning work I have done.

Analena: Cuz for me, the whole out of contemplation was like, yeah, that's my language. That's how our target makes total sense. For me, it wasn't like, oh, this is totally new. So it's what I wanna bring in kind of some of the tools that I have been using before. Please do so. I love, I love tapping, right? Ef f t tapping.

Analena: And the way though that I do this is I don't do the, like, oh. Even though I'm so serious, unconditional love and accept myself because I'm kind of soothing myself. Mm. It's kind of, I, I like to say it's kind of like a pacifier for me. You know? It, it's kind of still bottling it in for me. .

Jessi: Yeah, I could, I can relate to that.

Analena: And it's not say, I mean, you can get at a point where this, I love unconditional love and accept myself as good, but for me, what has worked beautifully is when I'm super serious and I judge myself, and I have these super weird thoughts, which we all humans have. Let's be real. Right? So I just have, and I say what I'm really thinking, which is kind of nasty stuff sometimes, and I just start it all out like unfiltered.

Analena: Now you have kids. Don't do it in front of them. I what I, what is a really cool thing. You can go into your car in the parking lot, don't do it while driving. Put on some music or something and scream your scream, your whatever wants to come out out of it. And I was so surprised what came out of me, like really nasty stuff.

Analena: Mm-hmm. , I was like, woo, I'm, I'm such a nice lady. Like, I don't know. I can say so many mean things and yeah, the thing is, I'm, I'm, I was thinking that anyways, and with the tapping. Because you like tap on the meridian points and stuff like you actually, you release that. Mm-hmm. . And it's also, if you have the intention behind, like, because this is actually what's coming through right now.

Analena: Have always said this, the only thing that will ever set us free is the truth. Mm-hmm. And everything. Like people can fake it and everything. The truth will always come out. Always. Yeah. So my truth is that's how I feel. That's what I wanna say. Mm-hmm. , even though that's, I learned, I shouldn't say that, but that's my truth.

Analena: Mm-hmm. and it's there. I don't even know why it's there. Maybe it's from past lives or something that happened and I don't even remember. It is just, these are the words that I use, that's the language I speak and I, I need to let it out and just to let it go. So, That has helped me incredibly. I use it less now because I, there was kind of a phase, but the anger where it can get kind of intense.

Analena: Yeah. And, and I feel like once the anger has been kind of released, we can access more also of the sadness and um, some of the other little frequency emotions that we have in the body. And, and when kind of that pressure has been released a little bit, which again, I have been using the tapping for that now, I'm actually feel like, so the out of contemplation, there's so many different ways how you can do it.

Analena: Like this is not something you have to take a break for, for exam. It's like, let's say you wake up in the morning and you, you wash the dishes or whatever. As you do this, you can, like, maybe you wake up and you have all these negative thoughts and you're, I need to do all these things today and life is so serious and da da da da da.

Analena: And then you kind of like, kind of take a pause. . I'm like, okay. Very interesting. So you, you just, you become the observer and like, and I think the whole concept, like you are not your thoughts. Mm-hmm. , you know, you just actually have the, you have here this, this mission on earth to release this. For some reason, you have been chosen that you're capable of releasing this and letting it flow through your existence.

Analena: Um, there's no judgment. There's no right or wrong. You can even do it while, so the out of contemplation is also, let's say you're in a grocery store and you are just watching people or you, you're just kind of being with whatever's going on in life, you can do it while running. And the less we have distraction, the more powerful it is.

Analena: And there's one beautiful example that Richard Rod has in the book. So there's one little book, you guys can buy it on Amazon. It's called The Art of Contemplation. one of the best books you can ever buy, honestly. So he talks about a taxi driver. And the taxi driver. There's a, I don't know if it was in New York or in some city, I guess, but there's a lot of red lights, right.

Analena: And you probably have seen it sometimes people on the road are kind of nuts and lots of aggression are going on. Right. And yeah, so this cabri a taxi driver always got so upset. Oh, another red line and like, you know, freaking stressed from this. And really out of contemplation, he learned that this is actually live, giving me the opportunity to pass.

Analena: Mm-hmm. So he reframed the whole thing into like, now he can enjoy. And it, it kind of gives you this break and you can take action moment to deeply breathe into your body. . Hmm. You know, we have breath work these days everywhere. I know. We talked about that already as well. And what I also love with the out of contemplation is there is no specific way to breathe it.

Analena: It just talks about No, you find your own way of breathing. It's unique to you. Yeah. And like, think about how many breath do we take? How many are we actually aware of it? Mm-hmm. And that's something I also totally still walk on. , you know, I can be all over the place. I mean, I'm a manager and I'm an Aquarius.

Analena: I'm always up in the, I have most AR signs and I mean, I'm like , you know, so and how relaxed do you feel just when you take like really belly breath, it's like, wow, it's incredible. And I mean, your purpose, GenY is a 52 and stress. Stress is the shadow and. , it's all about slowing down and, and mm-hmm. , so that's, yeah.

Jessi: The, the restraint part when I first read, so yeah. So my purpose is 52, so the shadow is stress. The gift is restraint, and the city is stillness, which when I saw that, I was like, oh my gosh. Like my whole, my whole calling that I've felt towards of like, it started with this saying of a soul at rest. Like that's what was given to me divinely.

Jessi: Mm-hmm. . And then it turned into this statement of authentic calm, which is now what I use a lot in my work. Yeah. Uh, and then I came across this and was like, oh my gosh. Like, yes, of course. Like , you know, just like I'm here. Slow down. And I think that's why we connect so much. We're kind of on a similar journey, you know, of like, okay, we're here to release the intensity.

Jessi: We're here to release the stress. We're here to notice and witness and calm and breathe and be okay with not moving forward all the time. Because I think both you and I, we have that Manny side of us, it's like, go, go, go charge, conquer, , initiate. Mm-hmm. . And that's, you know, that's a gifting we have, but it's not 24 7, so it's, yeah.

Jessi: Yeah. And then I have the line too on it too. So it's like super. I was

Analena: the, the, the is the natural talent. It's, it's about the breath, it's about the movement and the body and it comes easy and, and yeah. Your purpose is to help people to slow down. Yeah. You know, that's really what that is all about. And.

Jessi: which is my nature. But I changed myself so much to fit in, to fit into my fast-paced family. And I, I think that's why I got so constricted and serious to call the shadows of my other. Uh, I really like leaned. That's what came forward for me, cuz that's obviously my, my path. But now I get the opportunity, like, thank you to my family for bringing forward those, you know, those, those sides of my coin and now I get the rest of my life to enjoy the other side.

Jessi: Yeah. Which is I think really, really beautiful. I'd, I'd rather, I always say, I'd rather start with the challenge and get to live the rest of my life, like in the beauty then start with the beauty and live the rest of my life in challenge. And I've, I've had that throughout everyth. . Like my, my biggest challenges were in my childhood, my young life, even in my marriage.

Jessi: It was like the first three years were really challenging and now they're just, I mean, they're not perfect, but they're glorious in comparison and it's just getting better and better. And I think that's like a really cool, so for anyone out there that's felt like they've, been, and I think that's true for a lot of sensitives, we tend to kind of hit the ground running right away.

Jessi: You know, we have a lot of hardships right off the bat. And then, uh, we get to really understand who we are and if we lean into it and don't resist it as you've been telling us an Alina, I think there's so much beauty, so much peace that can come forward from this. So, and the jean keys are just such a potent way.

Jessi: to kind of uncover that. That's why I love all these systems. It's that it's not that you can't really figure this out on your own, but it just makes it so much more obvious. It's like a shortcut. And I know you and I are obsessed with shortcuts and , like, you know, we want, we want the peace, we want the stillness.

Jessi: So anything that can kind of help us understand what's going on inside of us, it's like, it gives words, it gives language to what we're experiencing.

Analena: Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's really so beautiful and it's almost, you almost cannot put it in words. You gotta experience it and, yeah. No, I love every, and I can totally relate what you said, like I have also, as in my current, uh, relationship, it's the same thing.

Analena: It started very rocky. Mm-hmm. and very, very challenging. And it's getting more, more and more beautiful. It's exact same thing. Same with my corporate or my professional life. It started out, Oh my God. No. Not fun at all. They're like, , like, yeah. So totally off path. And now I'm just like, I feel so grateful for like, cuz you know, now I see a lot of people I went to college with.

Analena: Mm. And it's almost like we went opposite ways. Like I, what I thought I had to do back then, but I somehow the universe didn't let me be there. You know, like work for McKinsey or like the consulting business kind of lifestyle just didn't work out. I felt like a freaking loser. Of course, right? Yeah. But now I'm just so eternally grateful because somehow all the, uh, tasks and challenges that came my way, they, they prepared me now for this.

Analena: And sometimes I have to like, wake myself up. Like, you know, I have my own business, I have my own podcast. I'm, I'm a thought leader and I have these big vision and dreams and I know it's gonna happen. I don't know how, which is fine, but I'm having more and more fun every day, you know, just doing what I love and what comes easy to me and.

Analena: and it's, it's, it's so cool because it's so life changing for people. I, I honestly, cuz I'm a two four, right? I'm a two line, I, I forget all the time my, my magic, you know? I'm like, oh, because I know everybody knows, right? not at all. So,

Jessi: oh man. Yeah, I can relate to that. I actually just got like re awoken to that for my two I, the last year or so.

Jessi: I think I wrestled so much with just like, what it, what are really my natural gifts, you know, as a two, we're the natural genius, right? So we have these natural gifts and I just, I was getting too serious about it. typical. So I just was like, I gotta figure this out. Like, what are, I was asking a what am I, you know, what am I good at?

Jessi: What am I good at when it's like, oh my gosh, I shouldn't . And, you know, thankfully I feel like God was like, okay, just take a chill pill and I'll, I'll show you. And, um, in the last, whenever I verbally ask, for wisdom or answers or information. It always comes. It's such a, it's so beautiful. And the last like mm-hmm.

Jessi: two, it was really in December, I should say. I had a lot of awakenings of like my own clients telling me like, you know, feedback, um, both good and also a little hard to hear because I, I had forgotten what was my gift and, uh, and what their gifts were. I'll give a really raw example, um, in light of potentially embarrassing myself.

Jessi: But like, I shifted my business a ton, uh, because I really have this desire to empower my clients. And I was starting to feel like my industry as a whole, not starting to feel like, I always felt like my industry as a whole, like the health world is all about kind of keeping clients and I think like therapy's kind of similar.

Jessi: Like it's just everyone's so desperate to have their like, Their lineup of clients or patients that they don't really fully empower them. You know, they kind of keep 'em on the line. And I just really despise that. And so I think I went a little too hard, to the other side of like, I'm gonna, I wanna fully empower my clients and I really feel like they should be able to like, have the information and figure these things out.

Jessi: And there is a place for that. But I have this beautiful, just raw conversation with one of my clients I've been working with for years now, she's actually the one that introduced me to Jean Keys, which is so rad. Mm-hmm. . Uh, but her and I were just like having a, a honest conversation pers human to human.

Jessi: And she was just saying, you know, I think you are forgetting that a lot of, like what you do is comes natural and easy to you, but it doesn't come that easy to us. And it was such like a moment of like humility and also like gratitude because I've come to really own like, okay, I'm. This has always been hard for me to say, but I'm really good at helping people know like what's going on in their body and what they need.

Jessi: It's, it's like, it looks like elementary to me, like reading labs and all this stuff. Like yes, I had training on it, but I'm learning like, oh, I'm naturally really good at it too. And like it's so simple to me. And I assumed that all I have to do is kind of teach my clients to few little things and, and they'll get it and they'll be able to do it.

Jessi: And they're all looking at me like, you are bonkers lady . Like, what are you talking about? And it was so beautiful. Cause she's like, I come to you because. I'm not good at that and I wanna delegate it to you, and you're so good at it and I wanna lean on you for that. And, and we were just talking about how that's actually, there's nothing wrong with that.

Jessi: That's actually really beautiful. And that's me giving my gifting and her giving so that she can then give her gifts to the world. Right? Yeah. Which are not that. And it was just this moment of like, oh my gosh. Like, okay, that's my gift. That's one of my giftings. Mm-hmm. So I think it's, it's hard sometimes for us to see and to own like what is natural for us, but it's also, I, yeah.

Jessi: I think sometimes when things get really serious. , it's like I'm blocking myself. I think when I get constricted, it's like I can't see the obvious. Does that make sense? Yeah. It's like I'm blocking obvious,

Analena: oh, I mean, look, I'm a two line and everything.

Analena: Just what you said. What I wanna say to this, because it's, this is so beautiful because that's really what I see the big vision in the future that we are going into with human design and the jinky is this place where, and that's what the genius of the activation sequence is about, where you're just being your natural gifts and talents.

Analena: What comes easy to you, because that's exactly what your client said. It's hard for me, like she could figure it out, but it would waste her genius. Yes. Because she's getting exhaustible to try to figure out the lab and whatever, and she's getting frustrated or what? And it's like, and then all the other stuff that she's actually good at and can have other people with is gonna be shoveled under the carpet.

Analena: Mm-hmm. And the whole purpose of these systems is that, . All humans, every single one of us ultimately has the courage to lift their natural gifts and talents and feel worthy to get paid for it. Mm-hmm. , because we have this idea, we need to work our, sorry, just, I'm gonna say this now, our ass off. You can swear on this podcast.

Analena: Yeah. . Okay. It's very welcomed, you know, and have to have five jobs and it has to be hard. And that's what we have learned. That's, that's, but that is bs That is not the truth. And that's why I wanna go back what I said earlier, the truth will always come out. That's why all the things we are seeing right now, I believe so many companies are gonna crumble so many systems and structures that have been built, because they're not built on how the universe works when it comes to truth.

Analena: They are based, they, they're fierce structures, you know? Mm-hmm. . That's good. The 40, the 45. I can actually read that to you. Yeah. Um, so the 45th Jin. Ultimately, any system that has been built on a foundation of fear will, by its very nature crumble. and, and that's why also everything with the Gene Keys is, is just, it makes sense at such a deep level.

Analena: And I know we kind of live in troubled times and maybe many people are listening right now that may be a little bit scared of what's gonna happen. It's the most epic time we live in. That's how I really feel. And I don't know why I have that confidence. I guess there's a reason for that, but it's actually exciting.

Analena: It couldn't be more exciting, seriously, because we are here to now build new ways of being that are based on love and the way it's actually meant, or more harmonious ways where every single human, there's gonna be more harmony, more equilibrium. You know, and we are not all supposed to be doing everything.

Analena: We're not supposed to be doing all the same. Like, I would rather ask you about the labs and I can do my human design Jeanie's magic, which I think, just like you were saying, like, whoa, like it's easy. Like, I mean, everybody knows this because I know, and, and I, so, and I, I love that I'm not the only one that feels this way.

Analena: I need that confirmation. And hearing you helps me more be like, yeah, damn it, I'm living my purpose fully and I gotta embrace it and feel worthy to get compensated for it, because that's actually how I can give the most to people. That's the win, win, win we are all looking for. And now the other beautiful thing is that, so it's also one of the jinky, and I even said this before, there was the jinky, because I, I saw this in relationship.

Analena: Mm. When, so we have learned one-on-one as two right? In math . I think that's true. It's not because. when you have what? Like you and I write now, there's Jesse Lina. Mm-hmm. . And then there is the relationship, what we create together. It's more than, it's something exponential. Mm-hmm. . So, and it's also, I was reading the, I think we talked about the money episode about this actually already.

Analena: Mm-hmm. , like one person can make a million dollar, another person can make a million dollar, when they come together, they can make way more than 2 million. Mm-hmm. , because it's the bringing together the puzzle pieces and we can just create so much more together. And we still live in this, like everything is separated and people have to run their, like oftentimes single moms running the whole household instead of supporting each other.

Analena: We are gonna move into a more community-based way of living where we can help and support and how many groceries are being thrown out because everybody tries to do it all by themselves. Like, we will live in such a waste culture. You know, I guess I could go no rant on that .

Jessi: So, no, that's a really good point.

Jessi: And I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we don't know who we are. We don't know what we're about. Yeah. We don't know what our gifts are. Like even me, like I've spent years, you know, contemplating these things and I still can not only forget , but not see it. And Yeah. And I think it's because I'm, that is my masculine side, right?

Jessi: I have, I do, I am very masculine dominant whenever I look at my energetics like it. All my variables are to the left, basically, except for one in human design. And so it's, it's very easy for me to go there of like, okay, system structure answers, you know, I want things to make chronological, chronological sense.

Jessi: Um, but I'm being called and asked to lean into my more feminine and to rest into reception. And its acceptance really is my ultimate. Mm-hmm. Uh, and all of us have that journey. And I think there's something so beautiful that, like, why would we be given these systems in this time if it wasn't to speed up this process?

Jessi: Because I could have spent my entire, you could've, we could've spent our entire lives trying to kind of figure out who we are and navigate this. And, uh, instead we get to have these systems where we just put in our birth time, basically our location, and boom, it's there. And yes, there's, especially with Jean Keys, there's a lot to contemplate.

Jessi: Like, I know for me, when I first saw. Thinking of one that was really confusing to me, uh, my purpose, you know, the , my gift of restraint. I was like, restraint. What is, what does that mean? You know, because words mean so many different things, different people. Mm-hmm. . But it was really beautiful the more I like, leaned into it and read Richard's definition and also just thought about my own life.

Jessi: Like it started coming forward and like, oh, okay, yeah, restraint. Okay. And to me it's kind of similar, not exactly the same, but similar to like constriction. And so it was just like, okay, like I'm starting to see like, but it's on like the beautiful side of it, of like , like the healthy side of constriction.

Jessi: Um, and so it's just been fascinating because I also think with, with Jean keys, there's less rules. Um, and so it is very feminine. Like you can't just. know exactly what it means. Like there's a lot of room for interpretation. Maybe it's another way to describe it. . Yeah.

Analena: And, and that's really why, why the, the jinky and I'm a jinky guide, right?

Analena: Mm-hmm. . So I do Jin's readings, for example. But it's more to guide you into your own concept, maybe see some things, so how it's connected, explain this or kind of intuitively show you where you wanna go really deep and, and things like that. Um, but you can only do this yourself. Yeah. This is not, I cannot tell you, uh, what the 52 JK means for you, right?

Analena: Mm-hmm. . So that is through, and that's why the out of contemplation is something you, so let's go back to, I think, because we were talking about the activation sequence. So it's like this four spheres. You wanna take about four months just to do the activation sequence. You, every month you contemplate one of the spheres, which is one gene key, and the line.

Analena: that is so deep, and I'm sharing this right now because I'm right now going through the Venus sequence. Mm-hmm. , there's a retreat going on. So we have these community calls there where we just share our experience and I, um, I'm now on the third one and I have experienced the deepest transformation ever.

Analena: Hmm. Seriously. And it's like, I'm going so slow. , it's less information. Mm-hmm. , it's kind of what I always talk about. Right. Less is more slow down and I'm really embodying this now, like have never before. Mm. Because we all have the 10, oh, let me just go to the course and one day and read all information. I got it.

Analena: No you didn't. It's like we read books. Right. Another book, another book, another book. Like Yeah. Read one book 10 times, you're gonna get so much more out of that mm-hmm. and actually implement maybe one or two things Oh yeah. Than overloading yourself with both information. So it's just so epic. And. . And I just wanna finish up the, the three sequences so people kind of know.

Analena: So it is recommended to go in the sequence. You can start one of the other ones as well. But let me explain. So the first again, is that activation sequence, which is about you, a genius, about what am I here for? What's my purpose? Like, if you have that question that goes into that, which I totally recommend because everything is kind of built on that foundation for everything else, but you're gonna feel really grounded in your body and that, right?

Analena: Mm-hmm. . And then the second sequence is called the venous sequence that I was just talking about. And it's all about love. It's all about relationship. And that is probably the most challenging one to go through because it goes into the depth of relationships and emotions and it starts with a purpose, jinky.

Analena: Then it goes through the attraction sphere, which that thing is mind blowing because it really explains what you attract, especially in terms of relationship in your life. It's incredible. And then it goes through what we call the iq, EQ and sq, which is the seven year cycle. So the IQ is on your mind, um, how your mind really works.

Analena: And that in itself is so because yeah, we have this mindset work, but you can narrow it down to one JY and, and really know more about your shadow there and the gift that is incredible. Mm-hmm. And that is from age 14 to 21, the cycle where kind of also that has a lot to do with the contemplation. Then the EQ is all about the emotional world.

Analena: That is age, age to 14, that cycle, right? Mm-hmm. and, and then the SQ is all about the physical development, which is, so it's, it's the, it's the body, the physical, then the emotions in the mind, right? The, and the, the SQ is like year one to seven. So that, that cycle, ah, and then the um, , the last one is called the core wound in terms of the venous sequence.

Analena: That is your biggest, our biggest wound we carry. And that's, that's basically, um, when you want your mother's womb, you already kind of took that on and that's something you all wanna, at some point template. It's working, life changing and, and I mean, I have no words for it, but in my case it's the 40 and it was cuz the 40 is all about the willpower and the rest and the exhaustion and it, it can talk so much about it and it's so beautiful, which makes everything sense.

Analena: My podcast that I have about slowing down and that I have been experiencing this challenging for myself as well. So that, It will bring up, I gotta be honest, a lot of uncomfortable emotions, but there is so much potential to transform here. It's, and I, I do recommend you do it not alone in the way that you just do it by yourself, but with maybe a group of people in some way are guided form where you're not the only one.

Analena: Content planning. Because there's so much power when you get together with people and you share your own individual experience. Like, this is how it plays out for me. Mm-hmm. . Um, and then the last of the three sequences, and just to give you a heads up, I think Richard is about to release some more sequences eventually.

Analena: Oh, um, that's exciting. Yeah. Yeah. There's always more coming. . Um, and he has lots of other programs and stuff. Everything is so fascinating. But the, the final one, which especially entrepreneurs, they tend to wanna go there first is the, is the pearl sequence. So the pearl is all about money and prosperity and entrepreneurship or like work life and, um, your branding and also your, um, biggest abundance block can be found in that sequence.

Analena: And it's, yeah, it's another beautiful one, but it is for, to do the other ones first because we tend to kind of like, uh, let me do the money stuff first and then everything else. But let me tell you, I mean, you can dive into it, but eventually you will be guided by the universe to go through the activating sequence and the venous sequence.

Analena: Mm. Um, like it happened for me, the venous sequence, it came my way. I wasn't looking for it. It literally, my tool line pulled it in and it was meant to be there. And I'm now there. I'm fully embracing it and doing it, and best thing ever. So

Jessi: cool. I'm like, oh my gosh, I just got so excited about this. Again, , I've already been excited, but like even more so I'm just like, I need to go through these sequences.

Jessi: I've done more of like individual studies of, you know, the specific gene keys. Um, but this, going through the sequence sounds really potent and powerful because there's just so much intention, especially the Venus as you were describing that I was like, oh my gosh, that sounds really, really potent. Ugh.

Jessi: And okay. Talk to us a little bit about what it would look like, uh, to have a reading with you. Like how does, since you, as you said, like it's not necess, you're not necessarily to tell us how to interpret like each gene key. How do you guide someone when they come and have a.

Analena: Yeah, I, I do it very intuitively where I really ask people.

Analena: So that's one of the things how jinky is a little bit different and many people that come to me that wanna have kind of both, and I also talk about human design, but let's talk more jinky right now. It's gonna be less information, right? It's more about, I, I usually have a questionnaire where I ask you where you're at right now, what are some of your challenges, where you wanna be?

Analena: And then I kind of look at the JY and intuitively dive into some elements, but I, I'd rather go deep there. Mm-hmm. . And so they have some really actionable steps, what to work on. So if somebody is, has some health challenges, I look at a particular sphere. If they have totally no idea about their purpose, we're totally lost there.

Analena: It's more about the activation sequence, it's about relationship stuff. We look more at the Venus, um, and. . Yeah. So it's, it's more about one particular aspect going deep. Also, especially the lines like there is so much step in the lines, you know? Mm-hmm. , just the, the tool line. What we learn in human design, it's great, but it's a little bit superficial to be honest.

Analena: If you learn, when you learn the jinky, it's kind of like, yeah, whoa. Now I'm like, . It's like, like the, the tool line, just for example. And in human design you learn the tool line is the hermit. You like to hide away and then you get called out and you need to honor that alone time. And it's just very important for you.

Analena: But of course it's can also be too much and we hide out too much. Right. So it's more about the, and it's called the hermit, right? And in the JK it's called in the activation sequence. So in your life work, the tool line is the dancer. Mm-hmm. Like you just supposed to do what feels so effortless and light just like a dance.

Analena: Mm-hmm. And just that visual gave me that permission to like, oh, I'm just study what becomes easy to me and like, It really helped me so much with that, you know? Mm-hmm. , I still forget it sometimes, but , it was really a quantum leap for me to just own that part of me. And like also for my business, it's all about, it tells you so much about marketing.

Analena: The Tula is all about, uh, aesthetics and beautiful things. And for me it was like, oh, that's why I love to play in Canada all the time. Like all these, like, I literally, I cannot promote a program if it doesn't look pretty. I, I just, it had, there has to be beauty and that's all what the tool line is about.

Analena: So it, it just, yeah, it confirms so many things that we keep questioning and we get so caught up in what all these other people are telling you you should be doing. And another thing that I have to say also, first with human design, but now even more so with the genis that. . I work less and less with other people.

Analena: You know, like in terms of like, oh, this program teaches you how to do X, Y, z I, I can no longer, honestly, for the most part, not always, I don't wanna say always, but, um, anytime there is like, oh, we teach you how to do this. If they have no knowledge of human design or how we are different, it's, it's not, it's not worth it for me.

Analena: I, I cannot, I cannot connect. There is no, it's just a bunch of information that I can get a book about it and mm-hmm. . Um, now there are times where my cycle really responds very clearly and I work with somebody that has no fucking idea about ZA because they have exactly what helps me to get where I'm supposed to be.

Analena: Right. Um, but I used to be more on the seek of like, I need to find the answers and they have it, and they have the solution for me to, to kind of work with other coaches more from a scarcity place. And that has just fallen in part. I still invest. , but it's at a much more grounded, um, space now. It's definitely less than what it was, but it's much more Putin, much more powerful, and I just trust myself so much more because I know so many of the things that I was looking answers for before I have them myself.

Jessi: That's amazing. That's a beautiful place to be, and that's where we should all be. If we're looking for answers or we're looking for support, we're looking to enhance our skills or our relational abilities or our processing abilities that we come from a place of comfort in knowing that we technically have it all.

Jessi: So we're just looking for someone that can maybe help us unveil it a little bit. , you know, instead of like, oh, I'm lacking and you need to give me the thing, it's, I have it. Can you just help me unveil it? Mm-hmm. and I, I fully agree with you. I just spent like a whole year all last year was all about like going all in on my business.

Jessi: Like not holding back, not being afraid, but I totally did it in a masculine way of like, , I'm charging all the things that everyone says I need to do because I've always fought systems and I always, you know, wanted to be original. And so I had everyone being like, that's why you're not seeing the success you could have.

Jessi: But then I've come to realize that I kind of, I needed to walk through that. I have a lot of three still in my profile. I had to learn it the hard way, but of just like, no, if you know me looking to other people constantly to like fill this supposed need, it is just gonna throw me off because they don't know who I am.

Jessi: Only I know who I am. And if they're just giving me what they've done in whatever area it is, some of it may work, some of it may not. But I can't just like plug and play. Like I think that's such a desire we have in this culture is the plug and play system. And there is a place for that here and there.

Jessi: Like you said, if someone actually is in alignment with us where they're like the same design or they have a similar gene key purpose or things like that, like that works. But that's not always the case. And usually we're just drawn to them because they've had success and we want success too in whatever area it is.

Jessi: Uh, so I think it is so important to take the time to slow down and to dive in and trust that you already know all the answers. It's just. , allowing yourself to be quiet enough still enough or just to make space in whatever way is authentic to you. Hmm. Right. Uh, for it to come forward. And sometimes that's with the help of others, and sometimes it's not.

Jessi: Sometimes it's just, I mean, technically do, using human design and Jeany is, you know, receiving the help of Richard Red and Raw and all of that. Um, but I, I know especially for S two lines, it can be really helpful to actually do it in our own timing by ourselves. Um, I think that's why I personally love books and podcasts and things like that because I'm learning, but I'm not like in someone's presence and I'm not being directly coached or trained or whatever.

Jessi: Mm-hmm. . Um, I can do it kind of in my own way,

Analena: but. No, I love it. And I, I, now, I encourage everybody to go back to the money episode, right? Yes. That we recorded, we talk so much about it, and I really believe that, like I said, there's, there's a balance with everything, right? Mm-hmm. like a place of harmony. And there are times you totally wanna have somebody guide you and they have the expertise like you with what you do, right?

Analena: That's your expertise. People come to me because they don't wanna read all the human design books, and I give them the shortcut with a reading, or they take a course and all the stuff that I have been learning already, I can give them in a very beautiful way. And some people oftentimes too, like they have hurt human design, but they don't get it.

Analena: And then I explain it to them and they, it clicks. Mm-hmm. Because it's me, maybe even another person. Another person, right. So, and the same for me, it's just that these, all these things and that, that's why we talked about the 45 about it. Anything that has been based, built on fear and scarcity is kind of fall apart.

Analena: Mm-hmm. And that's why I actually wanna say this right now, because. , maybe some people are aware of it or not. There has been a lot of lashing out, especially in the coaching industry of pointing fingers, and this is no longer what you should do, and they're doing this out of integrity and da da da da, da.

Analena: The more you focus your attention on that, the more energy you give that, the more it grows. Right? Focus on yourself. Do what feels right to you. And I really believe with these systems, like especially human design and Jin case, that we are the consumer. The, when we no longer purchase those things, they're not gonna be offered anymore.

Analena: There's nothing to fight, right? It's like, I mean, that's basic economics. I mean, . Yeah. Supply and demand. If I'm no longer demanding scarcity based programs and sales tactics and nobody's gonna buy 'em anymore, they gotta change and it will change. And it's also not, these people are not doing something bad on purpose oftentimes.

Analena: I think for the most part, they may have learned that and they think that's super an integrity because it has worked for them. And I think it works for others, but they, they're not aware of how uniquely different we are, you know? So it's, it's just, um, yeah, we're just here to kind of lead that path for humanity and open up, and I have this all the time.

Analena: People tell me, like, you know, when I have a program and I, I tell 'em, this is what we have. Or if they wanna sign up and we talk about it, if I feel like it's best interest and, you know, if the sacl doesn't respond, if it's a generator type, perfect, it's not aligned for you right now. I never. Like, I don't take that personally, you know, because we have this conditioning.

Analena: Oh, you have to analyze, what did you rule wrong on the sales call? . Well, it just wasn't meant, just let it go. Come on. Yeah. Let it go. And the people that are supposed to work with him, whatever way of form that come to you, they all this stuff that most of us have learned, you have to make it happen. And you have to work hard.

Analena: And, and yes, not everything is gonna be easy. And it's not like there's no challenges come your way. But when you live in alignment, what I have found is like you go with the flow of life, your support. It's like you're swimming in the river and you have the support. Yeah. You know, it's, and, and you really, I think that's my final invitation.

Analena: I invite you to go slow to go fast. Mm. You're not, the way you, you actually get stuck is because you go too fast and, and because you, you're pushing against the natural flow of life. So, and, and anytime people struggle too much, it's because they're trying to make it happen. They're not allowing to surrender into the flow of life.

Analena: And, and that is my purpose. Jita too was the, the most feminine. And I'm here to bring the feminine into everything and it comes easy to me. I, I, I just know can sense and feed hard work. It works. And that's another thing with my tool line, I'm like, for most people that's, it's totally not relatable cuz we have been so conditioned now I have to work hard and I have to make it happen and I have to put in the hours and

Jessi: No, no.

Jessi: And that's like also so disruptive because people are freaking out of like, wait, if I don't, then what do I do with myself? And, oh, what if it doesn't come in? And the, there's so many things, but it's, it's so funny what you just said. Go slow to go fast is literally like on my phone.

Analena: Oh right. See? Yeah. You so like, I don't even know.

Analena: I love

Jessi: it. I know we're so in line. Well, we're on a similar journey, I think, which is why we connect so well. But I am just so grateful to you an Elena for your time, giving us three episodes, giving us profound wisdom. I've been like re-listening to our episodes together, cuz I just get something new each time.

Jessi: And for those that have been listening, , obviously Alina's an incredible teacher and I just wanted to bring that forward cause you haven't really talked about it much. But she has a program where she teaches and so if you're like, this is making sense when she talks about it, like you need to go to her school Also, obviously you can book a reading.

Jessi: Um, and she has her own podcast, so learn from her like she is here to easily and generously and simply give practical information about who you are and why you're here and how you're unique. Jean Keys is a great way to do it and I'm just, ah, I'm so excited that Richard's coming out with more, but it's also like, oh no, I kind wanna, like, I gotta dive into what we have, but it's, oh, it's so good.

Jessi: And we'll put some links below about the different books and all of that. Okay. Uh, is there anything else you would add as far as resources for those that are interested in Jean

Analena: Keys? . Yeah. I mean, I would always say go to the website first to pull your off profile. And even if you have no idea what this means, then mm-hmm.

Analena: um, yeah, I mean, you can sign up for the sequences, right? And they're very affordable. It doesn't cost in, in, probably for most people have invested thousands and thousands, like I think the sequence is 150 or something, each of them, right? Mm-hmm. and, um, trust your intuition where if you're called to dive into, but really know that less is more and you wanna get the book.

Analena: I love to listen also to audio because I'm not always a reader. I love to like, just when I go for a walk or something, or even the car, I just like to listen and, um, it's, it's very simple. Like let it be simple and then the out of contemplation, I definitely, you know, especially if you've been trying out all these different healing modalities and you feel still kind of stuck, that's kind of a fresh breath of air as well.

Analena: Yeah. And, um, and then of course I offer readings. I offer human design readings, jk, the school you talked about. We have the human design certification, which is beautiful. Amazing. I mean, I feel like really we are changing the way we do business in the world with that because the more leaders we have that have this knowledge, it's just incredible.

Analena: Right? So, yeah. Yeah. Trust yourself. Always feel free to reach out. You know, I'm very friendly person. I am always here also to guide you. I'm also very big on letting you know, if I feel like it's not a good fit or I have some other people I know that I, you might maybe I feel like would be good to know for you.

Analena: And, um, . Yeah. I'm just, yeah. Really honored to be on this journey. Thank you for having me on this podcast. Oh, it was so much fun. I kinda wanna have another episode. So let's see. ,

Jessi: I'm sure we'll think of something,

Analena: gonna start a talk show or something. I

Jessi: that be so fun. The weekly call with Anna and

Analena: Jesse . I mean, look, you're the manifest.

Analena: I let you initiate. I'm here to respond. Yeah, I know . Um, but I, I kind of, I mean, this is a thing for me. I'm also with my astrology, like I'm supposed to be in media. Mm-hmm. And I, I know I wanna write a book. I'm just gonna let it come to me. But I have talked probably for years now, I wanna be on tv. I wanna sit on the couch with Oprah and talk about it.

Analena: But I'm, I'm kind of at the same time, which I love. I'm totally detached. But I think the world, the mass con, like the masses Mm. They're starting to be ready for, because we always have to remind ourselves that even though we may have a lot of listeners, like several thousands or something like that, right.

Analena: Um, it's kind of such a small percentage of humanity and I, I feel like we are getting into a place where more and more people, um, yeah, that what we call like, not so spiritual or whatever, they're gonna be more and more open to these kind of things, you know? So we are really here to shine the light. So, just excited.

Jessi: It's an exciting time. Thank you. I just wanna end on that. Thank you for giving us hope, um, because I think, like what you said around the coaching industry applies to everything. Currently right now, there's so much fear, whether it's the recession or whatever, politics, the earth, whatever crisis is being brought forward.

Jessi: Not like put your head in the sand, but understand that you're here at this time for a specific reason. You've been given beautiful gifts that are, you know, laid out in jeany, astrology, human design, but just the, they're there and. , you're here to simply uncover them and do them. That's all you're here for.

Jessi: Like there's, and that in and of itself, if we all just did that, all of these crises would dissipate. In fact, half of them aren't even real anyways. . Yeah. Um, their way to control. But, you know, a any that are real would dissipate because I think the crisis is simply that we're not living in authenticity.

Jessi: Right. We're living out of fear. And as you said, that's all gonna crumble. And I think it's, it's beautiful. It's beautiful that it's crumbling. Let it crumble and, uh, let your authenticity come through.

Analena: Yeah. Before there's how many, there's chaos. . Yes, that's exactly, and it's also literally sometimes when you have this question, what's my purpose?

Analena: Just doing this work as you're living your purpose because you clearing out these karmic patterns and releasing this stuff, right. That is actually helping so many other, because you shine the light and then other people, they, it's, it's kind of contagious in some way. Yeah. And we have built now this big community all over the world already where people diving into genies, human design and really living one day authentic self.

Analena: That's the biggest service you can give to yourself and to others.

Jessi: Absolutely. Yeah. That time is well spent,

Analena: very well spent and, and the money will come, you know, and oftentimes in the most unpredictable ways. Mm-hmm. .

Jessi: So good. Thank you, Anna. Elena. Oh my gosh. I don't wanna say goodbye, but thank you, .

Analena: You're welcome. This was awesome. Thank you for having me.

Jessi Michel Agadoni: You are called to live differently, my friend. What is one way that you can honor your natural sensitivity today? Take that one step and if you feel uncertain, hesitant about how to navigate life as a natural sensitive, I have something for you. I've created the a. Calm method, a beautiful platform and resource to create your healthiest, most whole, authentic self.

We start with layer one of the reconnection, tuning into the body. Layer two, we dive into your authentic rhythm, how you're meant to eat, sleep, move, be, work, rest, recover. It's so unique to you and it's so critical that you understand that. And lastly, we finish by uncover. The remedies that work best for you, the tools, tonics and therapies that [00:38:00] will optimize your health and give you your capacity back.

Alongside all of this, we have the beautiful sensitive circle, a community where you can be seen and known, heard, and understood where you can share your process. As much or as little as you desire. If this intrigues you, the link to join is below. It is such an honor to have your ear and to share this episode with you.

Until we release our next I cheers to your health à votre santé.

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Jessi & Analena's Favorite Gene Key Books:

+ The Gene Keys - Embracing Your Higher Purpose

+ The 64 Ways - Personal Contemplation on the Gene Keys

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To live authentically, rediscover your natural self, and restore your health as a Natural Sensitive (HSP), peruse the resources below:


Episode 32: The Unexpected Benefits of Living Seasonally as a Natural Sensitive


Episode 30: Becoming a Healthy Natural Sensitive – a 35 Year Reflection & an Announcement