1:1 Care

exclusive & intimate sessions with a Natural Sensitive Healer


A 60 minute one-off session for health guidance or life wisdom for Natural Sensitives. This session is best used for Sensitive advice, support for the NS Method or as a touch-base after a single session plus labs or concierge reset.

This session can also be used to pull your birth charts in multiple systems to identify & learn more about your unique sensitivity. Jess will connect this to your health & provide clarity around elements like diet, sleep, work, purpose & more.

Please note, no new supplement protocols will be provided out of this session, only tweaks and updates to previous existing protocols.



A 75 minute one-off session for lab analysis & deeper Natural Sensitive health guidance. This is the best place to start if you have completed the NS Method & need more involved & personalized health support.

You will receive a very comprehensive & customized protocol with recommendations based off your labs, current symptom presentation & unique body.

Fill out the form below to select your labs. You will be emailed an invoice. Once paid, the kits or requisitions will be sent to you. Jess will receive your results & will contact you to schedule your session once they return. Please note, lab costs are a separate expense from your session.



An intimate 6 month experience with Jess.

This is made for you if you’ve received a dis-ease label, are managing chronic symptoms or feel there are multiple layers that need healing in your body.

With Jess’ unique approach, your day-to-day discomforts will be addressed & softened (if not fully relieved) while your foundational causes will be identified & reset.

You will meet biweekly with Jess at a set time & receive access to a private portal with concierge chat support. You will have direct access to Jess throughout your reset. No need to wait for your next session if you have a burning question or feel off & need adjustments to your custom support.

You will enter into a holistic healing season. Meaning, you will learn how to understand your body’s messages & utilize numerous specialized therapies, labs, systems & tools to reset yourself. You will begin the journey of returning to your most healthy, authentic & naturally sensitive self. You will leave this time with Jess empowered & deeply supported.

Jess only works with Sensitives who are genuinely ready for massive change & profound healing in their lives. Please complete the application below to confirm this is you. For further questions, contact Jess here.